A new Detective Pikachu trailer gives fans their first look at dozens of new Pokemon from the upcoming live-action movie.
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Earlier today, Warner Bros. released a new trailer for its Detective Pikachu movie, a new live-action Pokemon movie starring Ryan Reynolds as a talking Pikachu and Justice Smith as his human partner. The trailer shows off more of Ryme City, the setting of the upcoming movie and home to thousands of humans and Pokemon.
We went through the trailer with a fine-tooth comb to spot every Pokemon that hasn’t appeared in a trailer before. We left out Pokemon like Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Jigglypuff, who were all featured in the first trailer. Keep scrolling to see which Pokemon we spotted:
The Oak Building

Perhaps the biggest “Easter egg” in the trailer is that Tim Goodman’s missing father Harry lives in the “Oak” Building. Professor Oak is a famous professor in Pokemon lore that has made appearances in multiple Pokemon games. In addition, the Oak Building (according to Detective Pikachu’s hat) is located at 122 Green St., a reference to Pokemon Green, one of the first Pokemon games ever released.
When we see the Oak Building in the trailer, two Joltik appear climbing on some electric wires outside. These little Electric/Bug-type Pokemon first appeared in Pokemon Black and White, one of two games set in the urban Unova region.

As Detective Pikachu downs some caffeineย at an expresso bar, he requests another round from a Ludicolo, a Pokemon that looks as if a duck mated with a pinata. Ludicolo is a Grass/Water-type Pokemon with a sombrero-like hat made of leaves, which looks excellent in live action. Also, note that Ludicolo’s cry is much higher-pitched than it was in the anime series.
This appears to be the same bar where Jigglypuff is singing in the background. Hopefully Ludicolo has invested in some earplugs.

It appears that the Ryme City Police Department is a big believer in using Growlithe and Arcanine to help keep the peace. Both Fire-type Pokemon can be seen standing outside of the police headquarters. Also, those giant rock statues are actually Pokemon tooย — the Ghost/Ground-type Pokemon Golurk. You can also see a Squirtle walking out of the building accompanied by a human.
The same scene also shows a Slaking lounging about on top of a nearby building and what appears to be a Kingler walking in the background.
Traffic Scene

A busy traffic scene shows off several popular Pokemon, including the sleeping Snorlax and a Machamp directing traffic. It makes sense that Machamp would be associated with police work, although we’re surprised that it’s pretty mundane duties instead of something involving its immense strength.
The scene also features a Pancham and a Jigglypuff. Notably, the first trailer mentioned a missing Pancham, so it’s possible that this scene somehow ties into Pancham’s disappearance. Or, it’s a different Pancham… after all, there’s more than one of just about every Pokemon species.
Cage Battle

There’s an interesting cage battle sequence that shows off several new Pokemon, including a pair of Loudred that appear to be acting as sound speakers. While it looks like a concert at first, signs saying “Double Team” and “Critical Hit” suggest that it’s actually a Pokemon battle of some kind. This appears to be where Pikachu and Charizard face off.
So which Pokemon are battling? Gengar and Blastoise! Gengar (which looks creepy as heck!) is shown using a Double Team attack, while Blastoise withdraws into its shells and starts shooting Water Gun attacks at the various duplicates. There’s also a Magikarp in a fish tank surrounded by Loudred in the battle.
Cubone and Flareon

After the battle sequence, we see Cubone emerging from a Poke Ball followed by Flareon appearing on top of a desk. Flanking the desk are statues of the Legendary Pokemon Palkia and Dialga, two of the Legendary Pokemon first seen in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
Oh, Flareon is also obscuring a statue of Arceus, the Pokemon creator of theย universe. You can see its halo-like horns right behind Flareon.
Creepy Aipom and Mewtwo

So, one of my running theories is that Mewtwo is somehow responsible for the hostile Pokemon we see in this trailer, including the Charizard that attacks Pikachu and this creepy Aipom seen above. Note that Aipom’s eyes are glowing purple as it growls, something that doesn’t sync up with its usual adorable demeanor. Charizard’s eyes are also glowing purple later in the trailer.
We previously covered Mewtwo’s big arrival in the trailer here. He’s rumored to be the big villain of the movie, as evidenced by him blowing up a Pikachuย balloon. Not very subtle, my Pokemon dude.
Cage Battle

As Pikachu enters the cage battle, you can see several Pokemon including Rattata, Treecko, Squirtle, and Pancham nestled behind the fencing. Later scenes show Audino, Octillery, Lickitung, and Pangoro all hanging out to watch Pikachu get smoked by Charizard.ย
On a side note, can we all take a moment to appreciate Pikachu saying “hell” in this trailer? Did you ever expect a world in which a Pikachu curses in its live-action movie debut? Wild times.