
Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game Adds a New Standalone Game

Detective: Season One will add a new entry point to the Detective board game franchise. Announced […]

Detective: Season One will add a new entry point to the Detective board game franchise. Announced over the weekend by Portal Games, Detective: Season One is a new standalone entry for Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game that comes with three new cases with a “lighter and wittier style” than previous Detective games. Detective: Season One will also come with a new game board, and a set of 24 suspect portraits that players can pin to corkboard and use to keep track of an ever-growing web of criminal conspiracies. The digital Antares Database will also receive a revamp as part of the new game’s release.

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First released in 2018, Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game gives players a chance to solve a series of mysteries in 2-3 hour chunks. Gameplay is simple – players have a limited amount of time and resources to solve the case, and each lead they follow eats away time. Completing a lead usually provides some sort of clue, and players can choose to “Dig Deeper” on a lead to see if they can squeeze out any additional information. While resource management is important, the key to Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game is good deductive skills and paying close attention to details revealed in each lead. Players won’t be able to follow every lead in a case, but figuring out which clues to follow will ultimately lead to success.

To date, Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game has had two expansions in addition to its base game. The LA Crimes expansion added three new cases, while Detective: Dig Deeper provided a single case set in the 1970s. This is the first standalone “expansion” to Detective, and its name suggests that it could be the first chapter in a bigger story.

Detective: Season One will be released in September 2020 for $30.00.