Dragon's Dogma 2 Score Plummets Due to Microtransactions, Capcom Responds

Dragon's Dogma 2 players aren't happy about microtransactions.

Dragon's Dogma 2 got excellent reviews prior to the game's March 22nd launch, but you wouldn't be able to tell that by looking at the Steam reviews from users once they got their hands on the game. Over on that platform where reviews are most visible compared to consoles, the Steam review score quickly reflected discontent from Dragon's Dogma 2 players regarding the game's plethora of microtransactions. It's a single-player game which has adopted the new standard of being $69.99, so the opinions towards those microtransactions were reflected in the "Mostly Negative" score it got soon after launch.

That was the case immediately after Dragon's Dogma 2 released, though the game rebounded later Friday morning to reach a "Mixed" score instead. A quick look at some of the reviews shows some citing in-game performance concerns regarding FPS, crashes, and other problems, but a great many of them take issue solely with the microtransactions in the game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Microtransactions

So, what's the deal with the optional purchases in Dragon's Dogma 2? Single-player microtransactions aren't uncommon in games with other series like Assassin's Creed embracing them in full, but as long as those are for extra, OP weapons or cosmetics, players generally don't have an issue with them.

What players do have a problem with, however, is when microtransactions overlap with features that are considered core parts of games like fast travel. Dragon's Dogma 2 does not offer a standard fast travel system, but you can use a Portcrystal if you need to take your party somewhere in a hurry. You can get that item in-game, but Capcom also dangles a $2.99 option in front of players, too, if they'd rather just pay and get it over with.


Capcom's Dragon's Dogma 2 microtransactions


The "Art of Metamorphosis" is another microtransaction that players have taken issue with. This one allows you to change your character, a feature which is largely standard in RPGs like this one given that you make your character in the very beginning before you have really any idea of what they'll actually be like over the course of the game. Sometimes your class or "personality" changes, or you don't like the way you look with armor on, and you need to change your character. Again, you can acquire this item in-game, but you can also purchase it for $1.99.

Capcom Responds to Dragon's Dogma 2 Complaints

Capcom addressed the microtransaction situation in a blog post shared on the game's Steam page Friday morning, but it wasn't really a post that addressed the topic in a meaningful way. The only info provided was a reminder that several of the items that can be bought with money including the Art of Metamorphosis and the Portcrystal mentioned previously can be acquired in-game without spending anything. Along with those two items, the others that you can get in-game are the Wakestone, Ambivalent Rift Incense, Rift Crystals, Makeshift Gaol Key, and the Harpysnare Smoke Beacons.

Related to the character creation drama, the game does not currently support an option on Steam to start a new game which bizarrely locks players into even further into the character they make at the start of the game. Capcom said it's looking into adding this "feature" but doesn't have anything to share beyond that right now.

"We are looking at adding a feature to the Steam version of the game that will allow players that are already playing to restart the game," Capcom said. "We will announce more details as soon as we can."