New Everdell Game Announced

Starling Games is continuing to build out the world of Everdell with a new standalone game. This week, Starling Games announced Farshore, a new standalone game set in the world of Everdell. The new game is set on the Forever Sea in the country of Farshore and seems to follow the same basic mechanics as previous Everdell games, with players building a city over the course of three seasons by collecting resources and using them to recruit citizens and new buildings. Early reviews for the game noted that Farshore is mechanically very similar to Everdell, although Farshore does away with the pairing mechanic that allowed players to play a construction or citizen for free if they had its "pair" in their hand, and there are several other refinements to the Everdell system as well. 

Everdell is a popular city-building/resource management game first released in 2018. The game features players assigning workers to locations to collect resources, with the caveat being that certain locations had a limited number of spots for workers. Players scored victory points for building certain constructions or recruiting certain citizens to join, with players scoring bonus points if they had the correct combination of buildings and citizens in their town to collect certain bonus buildings. The game spawned a number of expansions over the past four years, with a "Complete Collection" coming out in 2022 that seemingly confirmed the end of Everdell-specific content. 

The full description of Farshore can be found below: 

The Forever Sea is calling...The rugged coast north of Everdell Valley is a land brimming with adventure and mystery. Stalwart sailors search for bountiful islands and valuable treasures. Dutiful monks inhabit abbeys and scriptoriums, meticulously translating and illuminating. Hard-working folk gather resources and build their cities in unison with the ever-changing waves of the mighty ocean.

Welcome to the new stand alone game in the world of Everdell

This is the country of Farshore. Through each season, you will be leading a crew of critter workers to build up a prosperous city and to explore the enchanting ocean beyond. You must plan your actions carefully in order to build and to sail, for only by adapting to the winds of change will you succeed.

The wind is high. The sun is breaking the horizon. It is time to set sail for adventure!