Update: This article is referring to a maintenance period that has already passed. The most recent announcement for scheduled maintenance on November 21st can be seen here.
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Bethesda has taken Fallout 76’s servers down for scheduled maintenance, the developer announced on Monday.
Taking to Twitter to share the announcement, Bethesda confirmed that Fallout 76 in its entirety had been brought down to give the creators time to work on the game. No timeframe was provided regarding when the Fallout 76 servers will be online again, but the tweet below said nobody would be able to log in or play while maintenance is being conducted. Updates are said to come eventually, so players should get an idea of when the servers will be back up later today.
We’ve brought #Fallout76 offline for scheduled maintenance. During this time you will be unable to log into or play Fallout 76. Please stay tuned for updates!
โ Fallout (@Fallout) November 19, 2018
The scheduled maintenance that’s being done on Fallout 76 and its servers should be taking place because of Bethesda’s planned patch for Monday that the developer confirmed was coming days ago. In an article shared by Bethesda that discussed plans for upcoming patches, the developer said the game’s first update would be released on November 19th with game performance and bugfixes being some of the primary goals for the update.
“The next update will focus primarily on game performance and stability on all platforms but will also come with a list of fixes to quests, UI, C.A.M.P.s, and more,” Bethesda’s preview of the November 19th update said. “Patch notes will be available early next week. This update will be large compared to what we expect for patches going forward. Regular updates will always vary in size, but future updates should be much smaller in comparison.”
Beyond that update, some of players’ top grievances will be addressed as Bethesda either fixes or improves existing features based on feedback it’s received so far. Stash size is one of the topics discussed most often with players saying back during the beta that they were already running out of Stash space, and Bethesda has confirmed it plans to increase the amount of storage space players have. The limit is currently in place for technical reasons, Bethesda said, but it has short-term and long-term plans for improvement.
A push-to-talk feature for the PC players is also coming in another update, though neither of those features will be seen in the November 19th patch. Bethesda should share a full list of patch notes either before or after the update is applied though to relay information about everything that’s changed.