'Fallout 76' Features the Enclave Faction

Bethesda’s latest faction reveal for Fallout 76 confirms that the Enclave exist in some capacity [...]

Bethesda's latest faction reveal for Fallout 76 confirms that the Enclave exist in some capacity within the Appalachia area.

Seen during past Fallout games, notably for most players in Fallout 3, the Enclave is a group of people that's the closest the post-apocalyptic setting has to a formal government, or at least that's what they'd want everyone to think. The group fought against the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout 3 with both factions having their moral shortcomings, though the Enclave was mostly framed as the antagonist of the story. Their presence faltered in later Fallout games with the faction only making minor appearances elsewhere.

In Fallout 76 though, they're back in some way or another. Bethesda tweeted through the official Fallout Twitter account to reveal that the Enclave have some sort of bunker hidden away in Appalachia that sounds like it's just waiting for Vault dwellers to find it.

The tweet says that the Enclave existed before the nuclear bombs dropped during the war, and we know that it existed in the later games, so it'll be present in some capacity in Fallout 76. Keeping Bethesda's stance of no human NPCs in mind, it's likely that players will find remnants of the group such as notes, references, and, most importantly, their equipment. We don't yet fully know how factions will work in Fallout 76, but it seems as though players will be able to use the factions to roleplay when guiding their character through the game, though the extent that the factions can be utilized remains to be seen.

While the reveal of the Enclave marks the return of a faction that Fallout veterans are already familiar with, Bethesda has all-new groups included in Fallout 76, too. Sunday's Enclave tweet continues a trend of Bethesda revealing factions one after another with two groups revealed in the past two days called the First Responders and the Free States. Players who choose to roleplay as First Responders are expected to jump into the fray to help others in need while the Free States are composed of doomsday preppers who prepared for the worst. Similar to how the Enclave's tweet was framed, the two new factions appear to have been wiped out during the war with only remnants of them left.

Fallout 76 is scheduled to release for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 14th.