
‘Fornite’s Top-Earning Pro Players Revealed

While Fortnite has become quite the popular game with the casual crowd, it’s really cleaning […]

While Fortnite has become quite the popular game with the casual crowd, it’s really cleaning house when it comes to esports, thanks to the multi-million dollar competitions we’ve seen over the last year. So, can someone actually make a pretty good living if they play Fortnite professionally? It certainly turns out that this is the case.

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A report by Dexerto has listed the earnings for the top twenty players that enjoy Epic Games‘ Battle Royale game, and the amounts aren’t actually half bad.

Granted, not all of these earnings came from Epic Games-sanctioned events. Some earned winnings from the likes of KEEMSTAR’s Friday Fortnite community event, amongst others. As a result, tens of thousands of dollars were given out.

For the coming year, earnings should be much higher, especially with Fortnite‘s publisher promising around $100 million across various tournaments. But, for now, here’s a ballpark figure of what some folks have already managed to earn.

Leading the pack is pro player Bizzle, who has managed to earn over $322,000 from tournament play in the game. Following close behind in second is Poach, another U.S. based player, earning over $277,000; and in third, we’ve got Morgausse, who managed to make $250,000.

The figures were put together by EsportsEarnings, and you can see the top twenty chart below. The lowest actually earned just over $105,000, so to say that you can make a pretty good living from this is actually an understatement.

It’s unknown just how much better the earnings will get, but we wouldn’t be surprised if some players managed to eke their way into the millions. For instance, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, known for his all-star session in the game with Drake, will probably clear over a million easy from tie-ins with the game, including an appearance in ESPN Magazine, as well as a quick cameo in Samsung’s latest ad, which also features Fortnite to a small capacity.

We’ll keep you informed on how much progress these players make. But, yeah, we might be considering a new careerโ€ฆ

Fortnite is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, mobile devices and PC.