The World’s most popular game right now, Fortnite, meets one of history’s most popular games, Super Mario Bros., thanks to a new Reddit user who has recreated the latter in the former.
Videos by ComicBook.com
More specifically, a Reddit user by the name of U/Rowlus has posted a video showing off their special creation: Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 recreated in Fortnite.
As you can see, it’s a pretty faithful recreation, or at least, as faithful of a recreation as you’re going to get using Fortnite’s Playground Mode. And this is represented by the over 11,000 up-votes on the Reddit post.
Personally, it’s the small touches that are the most impressive and creative, such as the grenade launcher at the end and the numerous llamas placed suspiciously in the background. The video also got me thinking that a fully-fledged recreation of Super Mario Bros. in Fortnite is the type of awesomely bizarre stuff I want to see more of from Playground Mode.
My one critique is the aforementioned user is wearing a Drift outfit, when they should be wearing a Snorkel Ops outfit, because it is unquestionable the best outfit in the game. Maybe a Rust Lord, on special occasions, but that’s about it.
For those that don’t know: World 1-1 is the very first level in Super Mario Bros., and is consequently the first level in the entire Super Mario series, which is why it’s so iconic. The level contains the basics of the game, and serves as a type of tutorial to what is to come.
It has been recreated in countless Mario games, and now thanks to Playground Mode, in Fortnite. And it’s creations like this that show the power and potential of Playground Mode, and how it brings something different to the game, and why Epic Games should leave it in permanently.
Fortnite is available for Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, and iOS. It’s also slated to come to Android devices sometime soon.
As always, feel free to hit the comments and let us know what you think. How many Goombas do you rate this fan creation?