Fortnite Releases New Spider-Man Freebies

While Fortnite fans are patiently awaiting the release of skins based on Miles Morales and Spider-Man 2099, Epic Games has released some free content based on Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse to tide fans over in the meantime. Today, the game's Web Battles have begun, and players can choose to join the Miles Morales team or the Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O'Hara) team. Just choosing a team gets a player a spray based on Spider-Man 2099. The competition will go on over five days, and players on the winning team will get an in-game emoticon: Miguel's glare, or Shocked Miles. 

Players can switch their team each day, so they can try to get both emotes. However, every player that earns 40 points will receive any unearned rewards. They'll also receive Spider-Ham's Mallet Pickaxe, which has a built-in "Put 'er There" emote! An image of the pickaxe and emote were shared on Twitter by @HYPEX, and can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

All in all, this seems like a pretty cool promotion! Fortnite has offered a lot of Spider-Man related content over the last few years, but the company is clearly putting a lot of effort into promoting Across the Spider-Verse. The animated sequel to Into the Spider-Verse has a lot of hype surrounding it, and this Fortnite crossover should be the perfect way for fans to kill time as they wait for the movie's release on June 2nd.

When Miguel and Miles are added to the game, they'll join a significant number of Spidey skins. Peter Parker has worn a lot of costumes over the years, and several of them have appeared in Fortnite. Some of the character's rogues and friends have also appeared, and that's not even taking into consideration all of the other Marvel content we've seen. It can get pretty expensive, so it's always nice when Epic Games makes some cosmetics available for free!

Are you looking forward to snagging these freebies in Fortnite? Do you plan on purchasing either of the skins when they release? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!