Halo Infinite Won't Let You Replay Campaign Missions

Halo Infinite's single-player campaign is now available, and the game has received near-universal acclaim from most outlets. The game's missions have been well-received, but there's one notable problem: players can only enjoy them once. For fans of the series that like to revisit missions after they've been completed, the only option is to start up a new save file for Halo Infinite. While this is sure to be frustrating for some players, Paul Crocker of 343 Industries has informed The Verge that there are plans to allow players to revisit missions in a later update.

"We want to have replay that works well, and when you have a more open game, it gets a lot trickier," Crocker told The Verge. "So we made a decision to improve the quality of the single-player campaign to ensure that, as a foundation, that it's as strong as it possibly could be so that we could then add the other features back in."

The ability to replay missions is not the only feature 343 Industries opted to delay prior to release; Halo Infinite's campaign co-op is also being held until next year. The developer cited similar reasons for that delay, so it seems there were a lot of tactical decisions made to make sure the game's most important features were there at launch. Given the game's review scores, it's clear these omissions haven't had a major detriment on critical perception. However, that doesn't mean some fans won't be disappointed in the meantime. Hopefully, 343 Industries won't keep fans waiting too long on these features! If the developer plays it right, adding them after the fact might even give the game some extra longevity.

Halo Infinite is available now on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. Readers can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Have you gotten a chance to jump into Halo Infinite's campaign yet? Are you disappointed there's no option to replay missions? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!