PlayStation Insider Shares New Update on Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 Remake

A notable PlayStation insider has shared new information about the upcoming remake of Horizon Zero Dawn that will supposedly be coming to PS5. Just a couple of months back, multiple reports came about suggesting that a new PS5 remaster or remake of Horizon Zero Dawn was in the works. Although details about this project were sparse, a number of PlayStation fans wondered why developer Guerrilla Games would look to remake a game that is still so relatively new. Now, based on these new details that have emerged, it doesn't sound like Guerrilla is the company developing the game. 

During a recent episode of the Sacred Symbols+ podcast (paywalled via Patreon), host Colin Moriarty spoke a bit more candidly about what he has heard about the PS5 remake of Horizon Zero Dawn. Without sharing too much, Moriarty expressed that he doesn't believe Guerrilla is the team working on this remake, which means that PlayStation has potentially tapped another team from its internal studios to helm the project. 

"We're also assuming that [Guerrilla] is making the Horizon remake thing there, although, if that's real, what I've heard is that it's at another team," Moriarty said. He went on to say that he wouldn't disclose which studio might be working on the PS5 iteration of Horizon Zero Dawn as the source that informed him of this info likely wouldn't want it to be publicly known. 

Even if Guerrilla itself isn't working on a new version of Horizon Zero Dawn, the studio is still incredibly busy with the Horizon IP right now. In addition to releasing Horizon Forbidden West on PS5 and PS4 earlier this year, Guerrilla recently confirmed that it's also gearing up to release a new expansion for the game titled Burning Shores in April 2023. This DLC will launch in proximity to the PlayStation VR2 title Horizon Call of the Mountain which Guerrilla is also co-developing. And if that wasn't enough, Guerrilla also recently announced that it's working on an online title set within the world of Horizon. While it remains to be seen if this PS5 remake of Horizon Zero Dawn joins the expansive list of Horizon games in development, it seems clear that Sony is trying to milk this franchise for all it's worth at the moment. 

How do you feel about Sony leaning so heavily into the Horizon IP moving forward? And if Guerrilla isn't developing this new PS5 edition of Horizon Zero Dawn, which studio do you think is creating it? Let me know for yourself either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at @MooreMan12.