Kojima Productions Clarifies Relationship With PlayStation After Xbox Game Reveal

After months of reports and speculation, Kojima Productions and its studio head, Hideo Kojima, finally confirmed yesterday that it would be collaborating with Xbox on a new project in the future. The finer details of this game weren't divulged by Kojima, but the implication was that the title wouldn't release for quite some time. In light of this announcement, some fans ended up wondering how this Xbox game would impact the studio's prior relationship with PlayStation, which was a partner on Death Stranding. Now, the company has formally responded to these inquiries. 

In a message shared on social media, Kojima Productions made clear that it still has a strong relationship with Sony's gaming brand despite now partnering with Xbox. "After the announcement of our partnership with Microsoft using the cloud technology, many people have asked us about our collaboration with Sony Interactive Entertainment," the official tweet from Kojima Productions said. "Please be assured that we continue to have a very good partnership with PlayStation as well."

Likely the most interesting thing about this statement from Kojima Productions is that it confirms that it still has a "partnership" of some sort with PlayStation. Whether or not the studio just meant this in a general sense or it's referring to another collaboration in the same way that the two entities worked together on Death Stranding isn't know. 

Speaking of which, reports have also circled in recent weeks suggesting that Death Stranding 2 is a game that Kojima Productions is working on. This information has actually come directly from the first game's star, Norman Reedus, which tells us that there could be some legitimacy to this. Whether or not Kojima Productions would work with PlayStation again in a major way on Death Stranding 2 isn't currently known, but we might hear more if the game does actually exist. 

What do you think the future holds for Kojima Productions? And when might we begin to see more of what the studio is actually working on at the moment? Give me your own best guess either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.