League of Legends' Ancient Coin Nerfed, Spellthief's Edge Buffed On PBE

Several new changes to two of League of Legends’ main support items are being tested on the PBE [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

Several new changes to two of League of Legends' main support items are being tested on the PBE in an ongoing balancing of Ancient Coin and Spellthief's Edge.

The nerfs and buffs being issued to the Ancient Coin and Spellthief's Edge items attempt to tone down the dominance of the Coin while making Spellthief's a more attractive option for mage champions. While the Coin line of items has already been hit with more than one nerf in the past, plenty of supports are still opting for the Coin over other support items in order to quickly get gold and keep mana plentiful in lane. The nerfs to the Coin's quest line that were added in the most recent PBE cycle look to tone down the latter of those areas by targeting the mana aspect of the item, changes first reported by Surrender@20:

Ancient Coin line

  • Unique Passive - Favor
    • missing mana returned from coin drops lowered from 10% to 6%
    • minimum mana lowered from 15 to 10

The nerf to the mana regain that the item offers through its quest line isn't too drastic, but it should help bridge the gap between the item and other support build options. As it stands, many support champs can sling spells with the knowledge that they'll get their mana back through a few quick coins all while racking up gold to get that sweet, sweet Ardent Censor.

Opposite of the nerfs to Coin is a small buff to Spellthief's that'll allow the mages that are supposed to build it to do a bit more damage with a slight AP increase. Spellthief's Edge only has its AP increased from 5 to 10 on the PBE, so while it's not as though it's adding any cooldown reduction or increasing the AP stat by a large number, it might make it more viable alongside the Coin nerf.

The buffs and the nerfs for the two items follow a change to all three support items' fully-upgraded quests that increases the amount of gold needed to complete the challenge from 650 to 750. These changes are still work-in-progress though and could change before the buffs and nerfs go live.