League of Legends has revealed the sales schedule for September so players can make plans for their RP-spending.
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Announced just around the mid-point for August, the sales that are on the way bring plenty of deals to unique cosmetics as well as the champions that use them. Bard, the beautiful Armor of the Fifth Age Taric, and even some Dragonslayer skins will all be on sale at different times throughout the upcoming month.
Like the usual discounting process, the exact dates that these champions and skins will be on sale has yet to be revealed. In order to get that specific, you’ll have to stay up-to-date with League news regarding the eight-item sales that cycle out every few days.
A new selection of Early Sales will also be available towards the end of the month, deals on recently-released skins that don’t typically go on sale until they’ve been out for a full year.
See the full list of champion and skin discounts below to decide what you’ll be putting your RP towards:
Regularly Scheduled Sales:
Champion | Sale Price | Skin | Sale Price |
Aatrox | 487 | Armor of the Fifth Age Taric | 375 |
Ahri | 440 | AstroNautilus | 675 |
Akali | 395 | Atlantean Fizz | 260 |
Bard | 487 | Bandito Fiddlesticks | 260 |
Blitzcrank | 395 | Blood Knight Hecarim | 487 |
Ekko | 487 | Blood Moon Thresh | 487 |
Elise | 487 | Buccaneer Tristana | 260 |
Gangplank | 395 | Darkforge Jarvan IV | 487 |
Jinx | 487 | Darkrider Sejuani | 487 |
Kalista | 487 | Debonair Ezreal | 375 |
Karthus | 395 | Dragonslayer Vayne | 487 |
Kassadin | 395 | El Tigre Braum | 675 |
Katarina | 395 | Emumu | 260 |
Lissandra | 487 | Full Metal Pantheon | 487 |
Lux | 395 | Glacial Malphite | 675 |
Miss Fortune | 395 | Guardian of the Sands Xerath | 675 |
Mordekaiser | 292 | Harbinger Kassadin | 487 |
Nocturne | 440 | Infernal Mordekaiser | 260 |
Orianna | 440 | Lord Darius | 487 |
Pantheon | 395 | Monarch Kog’Maw | 260 |
Quinn | 487 | Muay Thai Lee Sin | 487 |
Riven | 440 | Mythic Cassiopeia | 487 |
Sejuani | 440 | Northern Front Swain | 375 |
Shyvana | 395 | Order of the Banana Soraka | 375 |
Swain | 440 | Piltover Customs Heimerdinger | 487 |
Trundle | 440 | Queen of Diamonds Syndra | 375 |
Vi | 487 | Samurai Yi | 260 |
Wukong | 440 | Sultan Gangplank | 487 |
Xerath | 440 | Superfan Gragas | 375 |
Yasuo | 487 | Undertaker Yorick | 260 |
Yorick | 440 | Warmonger Sion | 487 |
Zac | 287 | Wildfire Zyra | 487 |
Early Sales:
Skin | Price | Sale Price |
Dragon Sorceress Zyra | 1350 | 975 |
Dragonslayer Xin Zhao | 1350 | 975 |
These champions and skins won’t be on sale long when the discounts are released, so make sure to get them while you can.