Test League of Legends' New Clash Mode and Earn an XP Boost

Following previous trial runs, Riot Games is asking League of Legends players to once again [...]

League of Legends Clash
(Photo: Riot Games)

Following previous trial runs, Riot Games is asking League of Legends players to once again partake in a Clash tournament.

Clash is the new tournament mode that's coming to League of Legends soon, a mode where players put together teams and take on opponents with prizes and bragging rights on the line. For all players who participate in the Clash test that starts on March 21, you'll even receive a three-win XP boost on your main account this time in addition to being able to see the game mode before everyone else. This is the first time that such an offer has been extended during these tests as Riot Games continues to explore a bug that's affecting the game mode's champ select sequence.

"I'll cut to the chase: there's a major bug we're trying to track down, and we need a crap ton of players to help us find it," said Ben "Riot Draggles" Forbes on the League boards. "You need to be online on PBE this Wednesday, March 21 at 3:30pm PDT to play. To make it worth your while, everyone who participates will receive a 3-win XP boost on their main account."

Playing a couple of Clash games and getting the boost as a reward is easy enough, and all it takes is getting together a few PBE friends to round out your team. A PBE Discord channel was also mentioned in Riot Draggles' post to help players find teammates as the Rioter provided the following instructions for helping with the Clash test.

  • Get 5 players together and create your team in-client (via the Competitive tab) any time from roughly 3:00pm PDT on Tuesday until 3:30pm PDT on Wednesday.
  • If you don't have 4 friends on PBE, drop by the PBE Discord and pick up your missing members!
  • Get tickets from the PBE store and enter one when joining a team (tickets will be available on Wednesday).
  • Check in 30 minutes before the tournament begins - between 3:30pm and 4:00pm PDT.
  • Play your games like normal (you are guaranteed to play 2 games).
  • Give us feedback in the PBE Discord, or let us know if you encounter any other bugs.
  • If you encounter a situation where champ select has started but you're not in it, report it in this thread.

Like the previous Clash tests, skill-based matchmaking will be disabled, so games will likely feel unbalanced at times. The full launch will include balanced matches, but Riot says that this test is all about getting players in as quickly as possible to collect more data.