
‘League of Legends’ Teases Coven Content

Riot Games is teasing new League of Legends content with a demonic-looking teaser previewing […]

Riot Games is teasing new League of Legends content with a demonic-looking teaser previewing what’s to come.

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The brief video below was shared on the official League of Legends social media channels with the eerie figure featured in front of a backdrop that looks like it’s better suited for Halloween than the end of November.

While the video could easily be taken as another teaser for the Coven skins Riot Games revealed for Lissandra and Camille weeks ago, it does seem odd that Riot Games would still be teasing something that’s already on the PBE for testing. Because the skins have already been revealed, it’s likely there’s more Coven content on the way.

If the figure in the tweet is indeed a teaser for a new skin, Ivern seems like he’s a prime candidate for the Coven skin, a cosmetic that’ll perhaps have something to do with the emphasized “Old Gods” part of the tweet. Ivern out of every other League of Legends champion best fits the shape of the dark figure in the video, and the Green Father still hasn’t received a skin beyond the Candy King Ivern cosmetic he launched with over 2 years ago.

The connection between the teaser and Ivern was noticed by others as well with a Twitter user pointing out a small but distinct similarity between the left arm of both the figure and Ivern.

Whatever the new Coven content being teased turns out to be, League of Legends players still have the two confirmed skins for Lissandra and Camille coming their way. Riot Games previewed both of those in the past with the skin’s features detailed below along with links to their PBE preview posts on the boards.

Coven Lissandra โ€“ 1350 RP

  • New model and textures – Featuring a high-fashion greyish-purple gown
  • New Spell VFX – Beautiful purples emanating in every spell
  • New SFX – Dark magic hits fit for a sorceress of her caliber
  • New recall animation – Port home showing off the power of crows

Coven Camille โ€“ 1350 RP

  • New model and textures – New legs, outfit accented with blacks and dark purples
  • New spell VFX – Sending chilling and mysterious vibes, with some runes
  • New SFX – Dark, balanced runic hits
  • New recall animation – Swipe around and uncover lost power