
The League Of Legends Designers Who Are Working On Swain And Evelynn

While Evelynn has been in line for a rework for some time now and is officially listed on the […]

While Evelynn has been in line for a rework for some time now and is officially listed on the Champion Update Schedule, Swain was one of the newer champions that found himself on the list of upcoming reworks. It’s still a ways off before we get to see exactly what the final product of these champions’ updates will be, but some insight into their changes can be gained from knowing who’s working on each champ.

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Both of these champs are scheduled to have a Visual and Gameplay Update, the larger of the two types of updates that looks to bring their visuals up to date in addition to reworking their abilities. As far as who’s working on each champ, the question was asked recently on the League of Legends boards where Riot Reav3 responded to clarify which team members would be working on the two.

“Team members move around a lot and no 1 champion is ever made by the exact same teams,” Reav3 said before revealing the members of the team. “Teams are also pretty large and every team member is involved in our big projects even team members that aren’t directly on the specific Champion.”

The Rioter then went on to list the members of the champion rework teams, the most informative of which would certainly be those who are heading up the actual champion designs.


  • Designer – Stashu
  • Concept Art – LoneWingy
  • Narrative – JohnODyin


  • Designer – 20thCenturyFaux
  • Concept Art – The Bravo Ray & RiotEarp
  • Narrative – Interlocutioner

The names of the Rioters themselves may not mean as much alone, but looking at other champions that they’ve had a hand in throughout the roster’s development also provides some context. As Reav3 said, team members move around quite a bit and work on different projects, but there are a few examples to go off of. Stashu has worked on Cassiopeia, Vladimir, Talon, and Fiora, while 20thCenturyFaux worked on Kha’Zix, LeBlanc, Brand, and Zyra.

While the schedule guarantees that those on the list will be receiving reworks, the current order is tentative and could change. But for now, Evelynn’s rework is scheduled to release before Swains, though Xin Zhao will see smaller changes first.