League of Legends Is Getting a New Item in the Next Update

League of Legends devs teased not long ago some new items that’d be coming to the game soon. One [...]

League of Legends devs teased not long ago some new items that'd be coming to the game soon. One of those items was marketed as a reworked version of Sanguine Blade, but the item that's now been revealed is actually a completely different item with a new name meant to fill a similar purpose as Sanguine Blade. The new item is called "Hullbreaker," and it'll be arriving in League as part of the 11.13 update releasing next.

Ahead of that release, Riot shared a preview of how Hullbreaker would work by sharing the in-game tooltips for the new item. It's one that should be "tempting for AD splitpushers," according to Riot Phlox, a designer from the Summoner's Rift team who showed off the item.

Hullbreaker gives buyers a nice attack damage bonus with two extra boosts for health-related stats, but the real incentive for splitpushers comes from the item's special effect called "Boarding Party." The effect gives its users bonus armor and magic resist to survive against those who'd try and stop their splitpushing efforts while also buffing large minions with an effect reminiscent of the Banner of Command item which was removed in 2018. Users also gain bonus damage to enemy towers to take down those turrets even quicker than splitpushers already can.

"While no allied champions are nearby you gain 20-45 Armor and Magic Resist and 20% increased damage to towers," the description of the Boarding Party effect reads. "Nearby large minions gain 60-135 Armor and Magic Resist and 200% increased damage to towers."

This sort of item looks like it'll be a menace on the splitpushers such as Jax, Nasus, and Fiora who can already take towers quickly and will do so even faster now with Hullbreaker. The new item also appears to be one of Riot's answers to the game's splitpushing dilemmas referenced in a Quick Gameplay Thoughts post from months ago.

With this item now revealed, that means there are two more items to go from the three which were referenced recently. One of them is supposed to be an item for Enchanter supports to give them more survivability whenever they're caught out while the other is an item for tanks that allows them to bind to an enemy in order to mitigate damage taken from that champion. Release dates and detailed descriptions for those remaining items have not yet been revealed.