
Fired League of Legends Coach Discusses “Inappropriate” Incident

Former League of Legends coach Choi “Locodoco” Yoon-seop shared his account of the incident […]

Former League of Legends coach Choi “Locodoco” Yoon-seop shared his account of the incident that resulted in the pro coach being fired from the NA LCS Golden Guardians team.

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The coach tweeted an apology for the incident that occurred near the beginning of February when it was first reported by EPSN that the Golden Guardians had removed the coach from his position due to an inappropriate comment. Locodoco didn’t go into details regarding what the comment was that was reportedly directed at a female member of Riot Games’ staff though he did say that the remarks weren’t sexually explicit.

“During February, I did an interview in connection with the NA LCS,” Locodoco wrote in the tweet below. “I was nervous going into the interview and, in a lapse of judgement, shared a personal story to break tension in the room. Although it wasn’t a sexually explicit story, it was completely inappropriate in a professional setting and I regretted it immediately.”

Locodoco went on to say that he understood that “anything that can remotely be construed or interpreted as sexual harassment simply cannot be allowed” for someone in the position that he held and said that it was never his intention for the incident to occur. However, he said that he took full responsibility for the actions and thanked the Golden State Warriors-owned League of Legends team for the coaching opportunity.

The former coach closed out his message by saying that he intended to come back a “stronger and wiser” part of the community, though the capacity in which he hopes to return remains to be seen. Locodoco coached several teams prior to serving as the head coach for the Golden Guardians, one of which was TSM that led to him receiving a coaching award for his performance in 2015. He’s also served other teams such as Team Liquid in different capacities besides coaching such as content producer.

Locodoco chose to stay of Twitter following the Feb. 4 incident aside from a tweet that said he would “clear things up” and a follow-up tweet directed at those who checked on him. He has yet to provide any additional explanations or plans following the most recent tweet.