New League of Legends Champion May Have Leaked

League of Legends' newest champion, Bel'Veth, hasn't even been out for a full patch cycle yet, but we're already starting to see what appear to be hints at the next champion coming to the game. Some of the by now expected leaks surfaced this week to hint at things like the new character's name and perhaps even their abilities while Riot Games itself appears to be teasing a reveal planned for Friday, though it's unclear if all of these components are pointing towards the same conclusion of a new champion reveal happening soon.

Starting with the official content, Riot shared the teaser below from the official League accounts this week to hint at something that's set to happen on Friday. The teaser hinted heavily at a character related to water and showed that same person seemingly walking on water towards a dock.

Runeterra as a continent is naturally full of bodies of water and shores, but the first that comes to mind when talking about League is always Bilgewater. It's unclear if that's the area teased in this trailer, but it doesn't sound like the new character is from there regardless since the text hints that they come from "distant shores."

It's worth recalling now that the latest Champion Roadmap talked about a new champion while referencing water and a "stranger from the land of a thousand colors."

That same roadmap also talked about a mist-like ability which just so happens to have been referenced in the supposedly leaked information about this new champion. Potential spoilers exist below this, however, so if you want to go into the reveal fresh, it's best to wait until tomorrow.

Leaks from this week suggest that the new champion will be named "Nilah" and that they'll indeed be heavily centered around water usage. They're supposedly a bot laner, and those same leaks included a list of abilities, too, which were covered in the video below. Nilah supposedly uses a mist ability that functions similarly to Gwen's immunity-granting aura, so perhaps that's the mist referenced in the official teaser.

It could be, however, that people are just extrapolating on that real teaser and referencing mist in these abilities should these not be real. Whatever the case, we'll learn more about Riot's plans on Friday when more is said about this first teaser.
