Welcome to the latest and greatest patch that League of Legends has to offer, 7.10. This patch features “modernization” of a few champions as well as nerfs to some fan favorite champions.
Videos by ComicBook.com
“We’re delivering modernization improvements to a number of champions. The scale ranges from playstyle updates for Heimerdinger – yes, that Heimerdinger – and Rammus – yes, that Rammus – but also small quality of life tweaks (animations for Riven or Jax).”
“We’re also taking this time to hit some overperforming champions and bring them in line. Fizz and Lulu are no strangers to patch notes, and Ivern has been one of the top junglers for awhile now. Knocking them down a peg should leave other champions more room to shine.”
That’s not all you’ll see in the patch as the three tanks in the previous update are getting more tweaks and so are quests. ARAM players will also see their game mode change ever so slightly (again). Those struggling on the new client will also be the beneficiary of several fixes to make your transition into the modern day easier.

Base Stats:
Base Health Regen: 11 ย –> 7
Health Regenย Growth: 1.75 –> 0.55
[NEW] Passive – Techmaturgical Affinity
Speedy Heimer: Heimerdinger gains 20% movement speed when within 300 range of allied turrets and turrets he creates
Q – H-28G Evolution Turret:
Stack Limit: 1/2/2/3/3 –> 3 at all ranks
Stack Generation: 24/23/22/21/20 seconds –> 20 seconds
Base Damage: 12/18/24/30/36 (+0.15 ability power) –> 6/9/12/15/18 (+0.3 ability power)
Low-Effort Content: Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy champions or champions that attack them
Farewell: Turrets no longer briefly remain active after Heimerdinger leaves the area
[NEW] Beam Charge Ability Bonus: Nearby turrets gain 20% charge for each W rocket that hits a champion and 100% charge if E’s grenade hits a champion (same bonuses apply to ult-empowered W and E casts)
Beam Charge Timer: Turrets charge from 0 to 100% in 16 seconds –> 90 seconds
Beam Charge Attack Bonus: Turrets no longer gain 1/2/3/4/5% beam charge for each of their basic attacks
Preheated: Turrets no longer spawn with 70% beam charge
Clarity: The charge bar is now white instead of dark blue
W – Hextechย Micro-Rockets:
Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 –> 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 11 seconds at all ranks –> 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
[NEW] Beam Charge: Each rocket that hits a champion grants 20% beam charge to all turrets within 1000 range of the damage (max 100% if all five rockets hit)
E – CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10 seconds –> 12 seconds at all ranks
Radius: 210 –> 250
[NEW] Beam Charge: If the grenade hits a champion, all turrets within 1000 range of the damage gain 100% beam charge
Disco: Heimerdinger can now lob the grenade onto himself
R – UPGRADE!!! E – CH-3X Lightning Grenade:
Base Damage: 150/200/250 –> 150/250/350
Ratio: 0.6 ability power –> 0.75 ability power
[NEW] Passive – Spiked Shell
Physical Shell: Rammus no longer gains 25% of his armor as attack damage
[NEW] Magic Shell: Rammus’s basic attacks deal 8-20 (at levels 1-13) (+10% armor) bonus magic damage
Q – Powerball:
Cooldown: 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds –> 16/13.5/11/8.5/6 seconds
Duration: 7 seconds –> 6 seconds
[NEW] Channel: Powerball is now a channeled effect
Maximum Movement Speed: 155% –> 150-235% (at levels 1-18)
Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 –> 100/135/170/205/240
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 seconds –> 40/50/60/70/80% for 1 second
Collision Detection: Radius slightly reduced, allowing Rammus to better navigate through enemies. Collision check rate increased, making collision more consistent.
Area of Effect: Unchanged. In other words, Rammus will knock back, damage, and slow enemies in a larger area than the collision radius.
Don’t Stop To Smell The Roses: Rammus can now interact with plants during Powerball
W – Defensive Ball Curl
Cooldown: 14 seconds –> 6 seconds
Bonus Resistances: 40/60/80/100/120 –> 20 flat, plus 50/55/60/65/70% of Rammus’s total resistances
[NEW] Curled Up: Rammus is slowed by 60% while Defensive Ball Curl is active
[NEW] Ok: Rammus can now reactivate Defensive Ball Curl to end the effect early
[NEW] Spikier Shell: While Defensive Ball Curl is active, Spiked Shell is amplified by 50%
Thornmail-esque: Enemies that basic attack Rammus while Defensive Ball Curl is active take damage equal to 25/35/45/55/65 (+10% Rammus’s armor) –> Spiked Shell’s bonus damage (12-30 (+15% Rammus’s armor) while Defensive Ball Curl is active)
E – Frenzyingย Taunt:
Name: Puncturing Taunt –> Frenzying Taunt
Puncturing: Frenzying Taunt no longer reduces the target’s armor by 5/10/15/20/25
[NEW] Frenzying: Rammus gains 20/25/30/35/40% attack speed for the duration of the taunt (1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25 seconds)
[NEW] Alright: The attack speed buff’s duration constantly refreshes while Rammus’s other abilities are active
R – Tremors:
Damage Per Second: 65/130/195 (+0.3 ability power) –> 40/80/120 (+0.2 ability power)
[NEW] Architectural Instability: Tremors deals double damage to structures
[NEW] Shaky Footing: Tremors slow affected enemies by 8/10/12% for 1.5 seconds. Subsequent tremors add an additional stack and refresh the duration (max slow: 64/80/96%)
No Hover Snakes:ย Cassiopeia’s tail now follows her realistically as she moves and turns
W – Seastoneย Trident:
Bleed Damage: 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.33 ability power) –> 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4 ability power)
Active Damage: 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.33 ability power) –> 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4 ability power)
Active Damage vs Marked Enemies: 75/120/165/210/255 (+1.0 ability power) –> 60/90/120/150/180 (+1.2 ability power)
Q – End of the Line:
Q1 Base Damage: 55/70/85/100/115 –> 40/55/70/85/100
Q1 Ratio: 0.75 bonus attack damage –> 0.8 bonus attack damage
Q2 Base Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 –> 80/110/140/170/200
Q2 Ratio: 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2% bonus attack damage –> 0.4/0.7/1.0/1.3/1.6% bonus attack damage
R – Collateralย Damage:
Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds –> 120/100/80 seconds
Base Stats:
Movement Speed: 330 –> 325
Passive – Friend of the Forest:
Base Health Cost: 25% –> 33%
Base Manaย Cost: 30% –> 33%
Powย Powย Powย Pow: Jax’s basic attack, empowered attack, and crit animations have been improved across all skins to better match the moment damage is applied and generally feel more responsive
Lee Sin
Base Stats:
Movement Speed: 350 –>345
R – Dragon’s Rage:
Cooldown: 90/75/60 seconds –> 110/85/60 seconds
Base Stats:
Health: 553 –> 525
E – Help, Pix!:
Base Shield Strength: 80/120/160/200/240 –> 70/105/140/175/210
E – Force Pulse:
Modernization: Force Pulse now determines what it hits at the end of its cast time, rather than the start
Range: 585 –> 600
Passive – Sap Magic:
Can’t Sap Stone: No longer procs against structures
Cast Time: 0.275 seconds –> 0.25 seconds (still scales down with Maokai’s attack speed)
Multitasking: Sap Magic’s animation no longer locks Maokai out of his abilities longer than a normal basic attack would
Q – Bramble Smash:
Cost: 45/50/55/60/65 manaย –> 50 mana at all ranks
Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds –> 8/7.25/6.5/5.75/5 seconds
Knockback Distance: Slightly increased (maximum ~275 >>> ~300)
E – Sapling Toss:
Cost: 60 mana at all ranks –> 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Base Damage: 45/70/95/120/145 –> 25/50/75/100/125
Enemy Health Ratio: 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% (+2% per 100 ability power) target’s max health –> 8% (+2% per 100 ability power) target’s max health
Whoops: Empowered Sapling damage over time is now properly treated as a damage-over-time effect (empowered saplings can no longer single-handedly proc Thunderlord’s Decree)
R – Nature’s Grasp:
Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused Nature’s Grasp to fire without going on cooldown if Maokai died while casting it
Q – Gleaming Quill:
Range: 800 –> 900
W – Grand Entrance:
Base Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 –> 70/115/160/205/250
E – Battle Dance:
Shield Value Per Cast: 50/85/120/155/190 –> 50/75/100/125/150
W – Ruthless Predator:
Bugfix: Fixed a bug where Ruthless Predator’s lockout time was shorter than intended (0.525 seconds instead of 0.75)
Bugfix: Fury-empowered casts no longer generate Fury
Bugfix: Fixed a bug where, when casting Ruthless Predator and queueing either Cull the Meek or Dice while at 100 Fury, the queued ability would sometimes not be empowered or consume Fury
E – Slice and Dice:
Bugfix: Fixed a bug where Slice and Dice’s ranges were shorter than intended (400 instead of 450)
Bugfix: Fixed a bug where Slice and Dice’s dash speeds were slower than intended (650 instead of 750)
Consolidation: Runic Blade’s buff duration, Broken Wings’s recast window, and Blade of the Exile’s buff duration are now tracked as timers overlaid above their ability icons, rather than via buff bar icons
Passive – Runic Blade:
See It: Riven’s Runic Blade stacks are now tracked below her health bar and are only visible to Riven
Q – Broken Wings:
Consistency: The timing around when Riven becomes able to animation cancel Q casts, as well as how long she has to animation cancel, have both been made more consistent
No Fun: Riven can no longer joke, taunt, or laugh during Broken Wings’s animations
Ping Me Please: Broken Wings can more reliably target units on high-latency environments
What?: Fixed a bug where the knockback on Broken Wings’s third cast ended sooner than intended if it interrupted a different displacement effect or if the target collided with terrain
E – Valor:
Show It: Fixed a bug where spell queueing sometimes didn’t properly work when casting Valor during Broken Wings’s animation
Passive – Fury of the North:
Frost Armor Flat Resistances: 100 at all levels –> 20/60/100 at levels 1/7/14
Q – Arctic Assault:
Hitbox: Shifted slightly to address instances where Sejuani collided with targets behind her
W – Winter’s Wraith:
Cooldownย Paradigm: Cooldown starts on-cast –> once both swings are complete
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds –> 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
Manaย Costs: 50-33 (at levels 1-18) –> 45-28 (at levels 1-18)
Passive – Shepherd of Souls:
Independence: Mist Walkers no longer perish when they move too far away from Yorick or the Maiden
Q – Last Rites:
Grave Convenience: If Lasts Rites kills a unit when Yorick has max graves, the furthest grave will now be replaced rather than no grave being spawned
R – Eulogy of the Isles:
Bugfix: The Maiden’s stats now increase when Yorick puts another skill point into Eulogy of the Isles, rather than remaining unchanged until Yorick summons her again
Q – Stretching Strikes:
Damage: 50/70/90/110/130 (+0.3 ability power) –> 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.3 ability power) (+2.5% Zac’s maximum health)
Second Hit Bonus Attack Range: 100 –> 125
Second Hit Blob Generation: Generates a blob if Zac hits a second champion –> a second enemy of any kind
Slam Damage Radius: 200 –> 300
Bugfix: If Stretching Strikes’ second hit would kill a minion or monster, the target will now wait to die until after Zac has slammed it into Stretching Strikes’ first target
Precise Strikes: If Stretching Strikes’ first target is standing on top of other enemies, the second hit will now reliably choose a different target than the first
Multitasking: Zac can now cast Unstable Matter and queue up Elastic Slingshot during Stretching Strikes’ second attack and while slamming two targets together.
E – Elastic Slingshot:
Knockupย Duration: 0.5 seconds –> 0.5-1 second, based on how long Zac charged Elastic Slingshot
R – Let’s Bounce!:
Time to Fully Charge: 1 second –> 1.1 seconds

Ancient Coin Line
Favor Passive:
Consistency: Siege minions now always drop a coinย (overall coin generation unchanged on average)
Quest Reward:
Emperor’s Favor: The bonus skill point now behaves as if you’re one level higher than you actually are
Nomad’s Medallion:
Build Path: Ancient Coin + Faerie Charm + 375 gold –> Ancient Coin + Rejuvenation Bead + 350 gold
Health Regen: +25% base health regenย –> +50% base health regen
Talisman of Ascension:
Health Regen: +150% base health regenย –> +175% base health regen
Eye of the Oasis:
Health Regen: +100% base health regenย –> +125% base health regen
Relic Shield Line
Face of the Mountain:
Spoils of War: Face of the Mountain grants melee champions 150 bonus attack range and slightly increased attack speed against minions that can be executed by Spoils of War
Eye of the Oasis:
Spoils of War: Eye of the Oasis grants melee champions 150 bonus attack range and slightly increased attack speed against minions that can be executed by Spoils of War
Spellthief’sย Edge Line
Tribute Passive:
Minion Penalty: Killing a minion disables Tribute procs for 6 seconds per minion slain –> pauses Tribute stack generation for 6 seconds per minion slain
Spirit Visage
Health: 425 –> 450
Magic Resist: 60 –> 55
Health Regeneration: +200% base health regenย –> +100% base health regen
Howling Abyss (ARAM)

Howling Abyss Aura
Freebies: Melee champions now gain 10 magic resist
Gold Pacing
Ambient Gold: 5 per 5 seconds –> 5.5 per 5 seconds
Gold Per Nearby Minion Kill: Being near an enemy minion death without last-hitting it grants 3 gold –> 5 gold
[NEW] Take Turns: The first wave has no siege minions. From there, Siege minion spawns now alternate between teams, starting with blue side in wave 2 and red side in wave 3
Minion Growth: Minions become stronger every 60 seconds (every 2.4 waves) –> every 50 seconds (every 2 waves)
Meleeย Minion Damage: +0.5 every 2 waves –> +1.0 every 2 waves
Caster Minion Damage Growth: +1.5 every 2 waves –> +2.0 every 2 waves
Super Minions
Inhibitor Respawn Timer: 300 seconds –> 250 seconds
Base Armor: 100 –> 60
Base Magic Resist: -30 –> 10
Movement Speed Aura: Always active –> Only active while the minion is out of combat
Rod of Ages
Stacking: Gains a stack once per minute –> every 40 seconds
Tear of the Goddess
Stacking: Grants +4 maximum manaย –> +6 maximum mana on spellcast or mana expenditure
Archangel’s Staff
Stacking: Grants +8 maximum manaย –> +12 maximum mana on spellcast or mana expenditure
Stacking: Grants +4 maximum manaย –> +6 maximum mana on basic attack, spellcast, or mana expenditure
Guardian’s Hammer
Attack Damage: 15 –> 20
Guardian’s Orb
Ability Power: 30 –> 35

[NEW] Start New Conversations in Champ Select: Now you can start new conversations with your friends during champ select. You can also see your friends list ordered by availability.
[NEW] Block From Anywhere: You can now manually block players from anywhere in the client. Navigate to the Block List in client settings, and type in their name to block. It’s also now accessible when you right click player names in the “recently played” menu (find by clicking the “Add Friend” button on the social panel).
Fixed custom game lobbies showing the incorrect highest rank between game modes.
Fixed visual bug where players would sometimes see two party captains in a lobby after the original captain had left.
Fixed a bug where players couldn’t accept invites after the sender entered queue, or saw the summoner name display as “…”
QUIT button in the lobby has been replaced with X.
Other Updates

Your Shop
Your Shop now works in the updated client and will have a grand re-opening to celebrate. For those not familiar with Your Shop:
The thoughtful Discountbot selects six skins that it thinks you’ll like and offers them at varying discounts. Beep boop.
These discounts may include Legacy skins not currently available in the store
If you receive a skin discount on a champion you don’t own, Your Shop will offer the champion and skin together as a bundle, with the same discount applied to both items
If you buy the champion individually through the store for no discount, Your Shop will automatically remove it from the bundle and offer the skin on its own
Ultimate, Legendary, Limited, Loot-exclusive, and relatively new skins (released in the last 3 months) will not be featured in Your Shop
Your Shop will be open from 5/18/17 at 12:00 PT until 6/6/17 at 23:59 PT.
Pulsefire Ezreal Update
Updated VO
Updated basic attack animations
Updated VFX
Updated texture for all four forms
New recall animation
New homeguard animation
Unanimous Surrender at 15
Now live on all non-RGM queues, you can surrender at 15 minutes with a unanimous team vote.
Ride Together Die Together: Surrender votes between 15:00 and 19:59 need to be unanimous to go through.
Definitely Not A Remake: Surrendering 5 minutes earlier with a unanimous team vote works as a full-on surrender.
Twisted Treeline
Super Minions
Base Armor: 100 –> 60
Base Magic Resist: -30 –> 10
Rift Herald
Global QQ: Rift Herald’s death cry is now global when killed as a neutral objective
Awareness: Added a chat notification for the enemy team indicating which player picked up the Eye of the Herald
My People Need Me: Rift Herald pings the enemy team whenever she prepares to leap at a turret