
League of Legends’ Resistance Illaoi Skin Is Almost Ready

One last update has been released for the new League of Legends skin called Resistance Illaoi, […]

One last update has been released for the new League of Legends skin called Resistance Illaoi, formerly known as a Battlecast skin, the first post-release cosmetic for the champion that’s heading to the PBE soon.

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The latest development post goes through the creation process of Illaoi’s most defining characteristic: Her champion-smashing tentacles. When creating the visual effects for the skin’s tentacle smash, the Rioters working on the skin went through several different iterations before reaching a final version. The first version of the smash didn’t look like it fit the skin well enough, according to Riot KateyKhaos and Riot Beardilocks, but the team looked at all the other Battlecast skins’ effects to see what stood out which resulted in a new version with a much deeper effect. However, this new version added a bit more to the ability than intended.

“But when this was submitted for an internal playtest, the feedback was that it was too noisy and felt too powerful for how much damage it did,” the Rioters said. “There was also an issue of clarity. When Illaoi ulted, it became very difficult to see what was going on if she hit five targets, which spawns five tentacles that slam at once.

“Additionally, we consulted an Illaoi main from a different team at Riot, and he gave some feedback on the Tentacle Slam indicator. He felt that, because the Q indicator was much more opaque than base, it made it easier for enemies to dodge, and the very fine lines ended up being jagged, as they were each one pixel or less.”

The end result was ultimately the visual effects shown in the video above, a smashing effect that shows a balance between a Battlecast (or Resistance) vibe while still not being too much or too little.

As for the champion’s chromas, Illaoi is also getting a special treatment with new visual effects.

“As we were looking at the Chromas, it became clear that it would be confusing if the tentacles that spawned from her passive were different than the ones in her Q and E, so we’re going to make them match,” the Rioters continued.

The full, final post regarding the development of Resistance Illaoi can be seen here.