'League of Legends' May Lose a Resolve Rune in the Preseason

Riot Games is considering removing League of Legends’ Bone Plating rune found in the Resolve [...]

Riot Games is considering removing League of Legends' Bone Plating rune found in the Resolve rune path, a change that will possibly be seen in the preseason period.

Currently a change that's being tested but one that needs more discussion and testing, according to Riot Games, the Bone Plating rune might get removed due to its power and the attention it demands from players. League of Legends' design director Andrei "Riot Meddler" van Roon took to the game's boards to outline potential rune changes for the preseason updates and explained why Bone Plating might be removed.

"Bone Plating's a really strong Rune, even if it's not always recognized as such," the Rioter said. "It also demands more attention than we think's generally appropriate for a regular rune, given both user and opponent(s) in lane should be tracking its CD."

It was filed under the "Changes we're not yet as confident in" category though, so there's a chance that it remains in the game. Considering it's already been on the table for a complete removal though, it's likely that it'll be changed to better fit the game.

One of the new runes introduced in the Runes Reforged system that Riot Games implemented this year, Bone Plating partially blocks incoming damage from the next three attacks after damage is initially taken. While players can monitor other runes like Electrocute to see when their opponents can deal more damage to them, Bone Plating demands more attention since it can make or break an engage. Players who use it have to track the rune's timer along with their opponents, thus elevating it above other runes that don't require as much managing.

Though not propositioned as a direct replacement for the Bone Plating rune, Riot Games also revealed another Resolve rune that might be added in the preseason period. The new rune is called "Shield Bash" and makes champions' next basic attack deal bonus damage when they have a shield. Its damage is based off health and the shield's strength with Riot Meddler saying that the rune would be a way to capitalize on tanky champion's defensive stats.

"We want Resolve to be a tree that offers both survivability and gives you other benefits based off your defensive stats (Demolish being a good existing example). Shield Bash is an exploration into that, with champs who get shields, whether from their kit, allies or items, being a broad enough pool to offer a moderate sized user base for a Rune. Still looking in particular into how to split power between offensive and defensive effects (e.g. how much should Shield Bash increase shield amount versus deal damage?)."

All these changes are currently works in progress and may be added in the preseason.