Xin Zhao is the next League of Legends champion who’s scheduled for an update, and so far, it looks like he’s shaping up to be pretty powerful.
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During a Gameplay Thoughts post that went up yesterday from Riot Meddler, the Rioter talked about a couple of different topics ranging from problematic items to champions who need nerfs and buffs. While champions who have been talked about for much smaller reworks were brought up again in the discussions, those that are on the rework schedule already weren’t addressed this time around.
But one reader took to the comments to ask Meddler about the jungler/top laner Xin Zhao who’s been scheduled for a rework, and the changes are apparently working well in Xin Zhao’s favor.
“Xin’s coming along pretty well,” Meddler stated. “His is a smaller update, so it’s not going to address absolutely everything about him of course, I think it’s a clear improvement though certainly. Needs a bit of balancing work in particular right now though, dude’s been pretty murderous in recent playtests.”
The precise details and numbers related to Xin Zhao’s update aren’t known, but back in July when Riot Reav3 revealed the month’s Champion Roadmap announcement, a small preview was given to tease what Xin Zhao mains could expect from the rework.
“The Seneschal of Demacia will be a smaller update aimed at upgrading a few of his less interesting abilities and also giving him a strong strategic identity in League,” Riot Reav3 wrote in his Champion Roadmap post. “We know that the core essence of Xin’s playstyle is his E->Q dash knockup combo. So rather than messing with a good thing, we’re focusing on the W as an opportunity to add both some counterplay and a much more skillful tool to his kit.”
Xin Zhao is the champion that’s currently listed as the next to receive an update despite being announced pretty recently. His rework is a smaller one though, especially since it’s a Gameplay Update and not a Visual and Gameplay Update like Evelynn’s and Swain’s.
The rework schedule is subject to change, but an update on Xin Zhao’s changes is a promising sign into an upcoming release.