Marvel Snap has just received its biggest Series Drop yet. In the collectible card game based on Marvel’s universe of superheroes and supervillains, cards are split into different “Series.” Series 1-3 cards can be earned through play, while Series 4 and Series 5 cards are purchased with Collector’s Tokens. Most new cards that come to Marvel Snap are Series 5 and expensive to buy with Tokens, so series drops like this are a big deal.
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As part of this Series Drop, 12 cards dropped from Series 5 to Series 4, while 13 dropped from Series 4 to Series 3. It just became much easier to acquire or purchase these cards, but some are better to have in your collection than others. These are six cards in particular that I recommend pursuing to enhance your deck-making capabilities in Marvel Snap now that the March 2025 Series Drop has come and gone.

Skaar is one of the few archetype-makers to go from Series 5 to Series 4 during this Series Drop. It’s a 7-cost, 12-power card with the text “Costs 2 less for each of your cards that has 10 or more power.” If you want to run a Surtur-based deck or just like playing cards with lots of power in your Marvel Snap decks, Skaar is a natural fit that will give you a lot more power to play on the last couple of turns. The recent change to 7-cost means this card probably won’t go down to 0-cost by turn 6 anymore, but it’s a good late-game card nonetheless.

Loki is a card that has changed a lot ever since it came to Marvel Snap, but it always brings a unique play style with it. Currently, it’s a 2-cost, 2-power card with the text “On Reveal: Replace your deck with your opponent’s starting deck. Give those cards -1 Cost.” It’s good in Arishem decks and a smart way to scout your opponents’ decks. If you have a meager collection, it’s also a great way to access and play cards you don’t own. Now that Loki is a Series 4 card rather than a Series 5, Loki is worth purchasing, as it’s a more newcomer-friendly inclusion in this Series Drop.
Sebastian Shaw

A lot of good Marvel Snap decks feature cards that buff the power of other cards. Sebastian Shaw, a Series 5 card now dropping to Series 4, benefits from this playstyle more than any other card in the game. It’s a 3-cost, 4-power card with text that reads, “When this card permanently gains Power, gain +2 more Power (wherever this is).” I enjoy playing this in Namora or Silver Surfer decks, as Sebastian Shaw often has no problem winning a lane by himself in those archetypes that exponentially increase its power. If your deck features a lot of card power-buffing but you don’t have Shaw, you need to pick him up following this series drop.

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Blob might not be a meta-defining Marvel Snap card, but it’s a personal favorite of mine. It’s a 6-cost, 0-power card with the ability “On Reveal: Merge cards from your deck into this until it gains 13 or more Power.” It’s a great finisher that ensures no power goes unclaimed on the board and features a satisfying visual effect when played. I like using it in decks with many high-power cards or Arishem decks overflowing with cards to play. If you own a lot of the meta-relevant cards but are looking for something that’s more fun to use, then I highly recommend getting Blob now that it is a Series 4 card instead of Series 5.

Moving on to the Series 3 drops, Zabu is an extremely useful card to add to your collection if you tend to play a lot of 4-cost cards. Zabu currently is a 1-cost, 2-power card with the ability “On Reveal: Give each 4-Cost card in your deck -1 Cost.” Getting cards like Doom 2099 or Wong out on turn 3 can be a game-winning move, and the most consistent way to make that happen is by playing Zabu. Keep an eye out for this one, and instantly consider adding it to your decks if you unlock it on the collection track now.

Discord is the Marvel Snap archetype I play the most, and it benefits a lot from this Series Drop. Black Knight and Corvus Glaive have gone down to Series 4, but MODOK going from Series 4 to Series 3 feels even more important. MODOK is a 5-cost, 8-power card with text that reads “On Reveal: Discard your hand.” To me, it’s a core component of every Discard deck I build because it can massively power up Morbius, activate the abilities of cards like Scorn, Swarm, and Apocalypse, and put Dracula and Bullseye-based Discard decks in a fantastic position to win. If you enjoy playing Discord, MODOK is the most important new Series 3 card to obtain as soon as possible.
Hopefully, the promised updates to card acquisition aren’t too far off either, and acquiring all of the cards I discussed here becomes that much easier.