Marvel's Avengers Fans Divided Over New Freebie

Marvel's Avengers has a new freebie, and like most things Crystal Dynamics does with the game, it's divided players with this freebie. Taking to Twitter, and using the official Marvel's Avengers game account, Crystal Dynamics revealed that it's giving every player -- regardless of platform -- a free Iron Man suit or, more specifically, Iron Man's "Marvel Studios' Iron Man" Outfit. In other words, players are getting a free MCU skin. What's the problem with this? Well, some players already own the skin because they previously purchased it. Rather than award these players with an additional free skin of equal value or in-game currency equal to the value of the outfit, Crystal Dynamics has done nothing for these players. And thus, as you would expect, these players aren't happy.

"I feel like you should've just made any MCU suit available for free not just the one. This is a bit unfair to those who paid for the suit," reads one popular reply. "When stuff like this happens it makes me not want to purchase skins on day one. Just saying," reads another unhappy reply. 

Because there's been some backlash, there's a chance Crystal Dynamics will change course and give those who already own this outfit their own freebie, but right now, there's no word of this happening. 

It's unclear how long players have to redeem this offer. In other words, we don't know if this is a permanent offer or a limited-time offer. Typically, these types of offers are limited-time deals, but if this is the case, Crystal Dynamics doesn't say as much. If it was a limited-time offer, you'd assume Crystal Dynamics would have provided the window of opportunity, so perhaps no information points to this being a permanent offer going forward. Whatever the case, if any information on this is provided, we will update the story with said information. 

Marvel's Avengers is available via Google Stadia, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X. For more coverage on the 2020 Avengers game, click here.