Insomniac Games Fans Hope A Wolverine and Spider-Man Crossover Was Just Teased

Will Wolverine appear in Spider-Man 2?

Insomniac Games may be teasing a crossover between Wolverine and Spider-Man. Insomniac Games has become one of the most prominent developers in the industry in recent years. While they were well-respected before and put out commercially successful games repeatedly, Marvel's Spider-Man elevated them to a new level because... well, anyone associated with Spider-Man is going to get a notoriety boost. The game was so successful, PlayStation acquired Insomniac Games as a first-party studio. With Marvel's Spider-Man 2 just a few weeks away from releasing, fans are eagerly anticipating the game and theorizing what may happen in the game. Some people are even looking toward what comes next from the developer, as they've already confirmed the studio is working on Marvel's Wolverine.

With all of that said, fans have been wondering for quite a while on whether Marvel's Wolverine will take place in the same universe as Marvel's Spider-Man 2. We have yet to get confirmation and there have been other Marvel games that are totally disconnected from each other, but these two are made by the same developers which makes it seem more possible. To add more fuel to the fire, Marvel's Wolverine creative director Brian Horton posted a picture of Wolverine's costume on an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man 592. The tweet was captioned "Worlds collide". Is this just a coincidence? Is it just a way for the Wolverine team to celebrate the imminent launch of Spider-Man 2? We really don't know, but the fans certainly think it means a crossover between the two is happening. The reply section is filled with people of asking about cameos or appearances in the upcoming Spider-Man game.

As of right now, we really don't know what to make of this. Fans will have to wait until October 20th to know if it means something or possibly even longer if Insomniac chooses to keep them on their toes until Marvel's Wolverine is released. is already in possession of a copy of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, so you can expect a review of the game to go live on the site on October 16th at 10AM ET.

Marvel's Wolverine Release Date

As of right now, there is no firm release date for Marvel's Wolverine. It has been heavily speculated to release in 2024 or 2025, but we don't know for sure. The game was announced in 2021, so it has been in the works for a while and it will likely ramp up quite a lot now that developers are transitioning off of Spider-Man. Insomniac Games is also really good about getting their games out in rapid succession. The first Spider-Man was 2018, Miles Morales was 2020, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart was 2021, and now Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is releasing in 2023. It lends well to the fact that Wolverine may follow closely behind it.