
New Mass Effect Teaser May Confirm Canon Ending of Trilogy

There are some huge details hidden in the new Mass Effect key art.

A new piece of key art for the new Mass Effect game that was released on N7 day may confirm the canon ending of the Mass Effect trilogy. Based on previous teases for the game, it’s understood the next Mass Effect game takes place after the events of the trilogy. If this is the case, then BioWare is going to have to presumably make one of the three possible endings of the Mass Effect trilogy canon. To this end, it looks like the Synthesis ending, aka the green ending, may be what BioWare landed on.

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Why do we think this? Well, the aforementioned key art features some type of nightclub. And within this nightclub, several different races can be seen. Most notably, a Geth can be seen. More specifically, a Geth wearing what looks like clothing. Now, in the Destroy ending — aka the red ending — the Geth are destroyed alongside all other AI. There’s plenty of room in the remaining fiction for them to return in the future, but this would seemingly suggest the Destroy ending is not canon, or at least it’s not going to be without some major heavy lifting by the narrative team. Destroy ending could still be canon if the Geth are around, because it’s easy enough in the lore to simply say they were brought back, but again this would be less straight forward for the BioWare writing room.

What’s also odd is the Geth pictured is wearing clothing. We never see this in the trilogy. So, not only are the Geth in the new game, but they are different, which in turn points to the Synthesis ending rather than the Control ending, aka the blue ending.ย

Right now, all we have is speculation, but right now everything points towards the Synthesis ending being canon at the moment. There’s still room for the Control ending to be canon, but this was such an unpopular ending at the time it’s hard to imagine it being made canon. Meanwhile, the Destroy ending was very popular, but right now the evidence seems to be stacked against it being canon. And of course, it’s possible all of this speculation is off the mark and something out of left field is in store. Who knows, but right now, our money is on the Synthesis ending being canonized by this new game.ย 

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. Do you agree with this speculation? What do you think of the Synthesis ending being potentially made canon?