Metal Wolf Chaos Teased by Devolver Ahead of E3 2018

E3 2018 ... a time for gamers and developers worldwide to join together and celebrate the gaming [...]

E3 2018 ... a time for gamers and developers worldwide to join together and celebrate the gaming industry while those that work hard at those titles we love share what they've been working so hard on. Devolver Digital has already teased that have a "weird" showcase planned this year - so weird, that they've apologized in advance. Apparently, however, it looks like one of their surprises planned could very well be Metal Wolf Chaos finally making its way to the West.

It's easy to see that fans are very much excited for a potential port, that much was palpable from the subsequent Twitter responses:

The title isn't hugely well-known due to the fact that it was an Xbox exclusive in Japan back in 2004, but the incredible storyline following the fictional 47th President of the United States, Michael Richard Hawk, as comes face to face with the ultimate betrayal. Scorned by his nefarious Vice President Richard Hawk, the storyline took some pretty freaking weird turns but because of that - charmed gamers everywhere despite its locational limitations.

A western release was first teased by Devolver two years ago but since then - silence. The fact that the game also game with (poorly translated) english subtitles, the prospect of an eventual regional opened seemed likely. Could this finally be the announcement we've been looking for? Could freedom reign!? That, my friends, we'll have to wait and see as E3 ramps up for a full week's worth of celebratory news and awesome game-age!

For more about the game:

In the early 21st century, America has plunged into a state of civil and economic unrest, and several states attempt to secede from America to protect their own interests as a result, leading to a conflict known as the Arizona Insurrection. During that time, Richard Hawk and Michael Wilson fight and crush the Insurrection, paving the way for development of powerful military weapons.

Michael Wilson, a relative of Woodrow Wilson, soon becomes the 47th President of the United States, drawing parallels to the real life presidency of George W. Bush at the time of the game's release.[1] Vice President Richard Hawk decides to usurp Wilson's presidency, shifting the armed forces' loyalty to him and attacking Wilson with their support. Hawk begins a reign of terror and makes numerous detrimental actions as president, from re-instituting slavery to committing outright atrocities.

However, Wilson escapes from the White House in his powered armor "Metal Wolf", and after reaching Air Force One, flies to the west coast of the United States. He then begins to take America back by liberating cities and outposts, traveling from west to east across the country and facing many of his former comrades from the Insurrection, all of whom have defected to Hawk's side. The conflict comes to a head when Hawk threatens collective punishment on everyone in the United States still sympathetic to Wilson's cause, including Wilson's aide Jody Crawford. However, Wilson refuses to let another trusted comrade of his die, and saves her before returning to the Capitol.