
MLB The Show 21 Players Continue to Express Frustration With Servers

It has been nearly two weeks since PlayStation Studios released MLB The Show 21, and the […]

It has been nearly two weeks since PlayStation Studios released MLB The Show 21, and the annualized sports title is still struggling when it comes to stability with its servers. Even though developer Sony San Diego continues to frequently push out new updates to make the servers more reliable, many fans are still being booted out of certain modes within The Show, much to their annoyance.

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Over the past few days, in particular, many fans have started taking to social media to air their grievances when it comes to the MLB The Show 21 servers. With this problem now being one that has persisted for multiple weeks, it seems like some fans are beginning to lose their patience. So much so, in fact, that some who have bought the game are even asking for refunds.

Other players, however, are still trying to remain understanding. Even though they’re annoyed with the server problems as well, they know that Sony San Diego doesn’t want these issues to persist any more than the fans do. And with that in mind, it hopefully shouldn’t take much longer for these problems to be rectified for good.

If you’re looking to get in on the action for yourself with MLB The Show 21, the game is available to pick up right now on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

Keep reading on if you’d like to see some of the reactions from fans over the past few days related to the game’s servers.

Pictured: MLB The Show’s Servers

Some Want Their Money Back

Server Trouble is Turning Into Losses

Aaaaand It’s Gone

“I Just Wanna Play”

The Shock When Servers Actually Work

At Least the Devs are Working to Fix Everything

The Jokes Keep Rolling In

Just Need to Cool Them Off

Only MLB Fans Will Understand This