This Is The My Hero Academia & Overwatch Mashup We've Been Waiting For

Blizzard has done it. They actually pulled the trigger on probably the weirdest hero yet. No, it's [...]

Blizzard has done it. They actually pulled the trigger on probably the weirdest hero yet. No, it's not Jetpack Cat (we can dream, dammit) but it is something as equally odd. A combat-operated, fatal ball of doom-wielding ... Hamster. Yup, you heard me, a Hamster.

After playing the newest hero in the game's PTR, which you can hear our thoughts, watch gameplay, and see his abilities right here, I've got to admit ... I'm in love with this little pipsqueak. As you can imagine, the reactions were perfectly reflecting that of our collective thoughts: "What the literal Hell, Blizzard?!" For the My Hero Academia fans though, they couldn't help but to think of the series' headmaster and now there's the perfect mashup since pretty much ever thanks to our friends over at IGN:

I am unashamed to admit hat I probably watched that crossover a few times too many, but it's absolute perfection. We're not the only ones that thought so either:

For those unfamiliar, they used the mashup from an episode where the headmaster uses a wrecking ball to test the students. Wicked, right?

Interested in trying out the newest hero yourself? You can check out the adorably ferocious new tank in Overwatch's Public Test Realm now. No official word as of yet for when he'll be released into the full game, but he is available to try out on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Need even more My Hero Academia x gaming crossover goodness in your life? Check out these MHA All Might comparisons to Captain Falcon in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. All Might is the highest ranked hero in the world of My Hero Academia. He's justice, he's grace, and he'll apparently will Falcon Punch your face. I'm not going to lie, I never really saw the similarities between the two until so many pointed it out, now it seems glaring. We might just have to add our names onto that petition if it ever sees fruition.

You can follow the author of this story over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy for more Hamster Fan Freakouts.