New Final Fantasy VII Remake Details Coming Next Week With Exhibition

Square Enix has been keeping awfully quiet lately on some of its projects, namely Final Fantasy [...]

Final Fantasy VII

Square Enix has been keeping awfully quiet lately on some of its projects, namely Final Fantasy VII Remake, which was announced during Sony's E3 presentation in 2016. We're a bit surprised that we haven't gotten more details. But it sounds like that drought is about to come to an end.

The company is planning to show off some new footage from Final Fantasy VII Remake, with an exhibition that's set to take place at the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Tokyo, Japan, according to PlayStation Lifestyle.

The point of the exhibition will be to showcase the history of the Final Fantasy franchise, in which Final Fantasy VII obviously plays a pivotal part, as it marked the 3D debut of the series on the original PlayStation so long ago. Square Enix intends to have some scenes and story boards from its smash hit Final Fantasy XV on hand, but will also feature Remake to some capacity. It didn't reveal exactly what it would be showing off from the game, but it will hopefully provide some new information on the long-awaited remake.

For those of you that are in the Tokyo area, the exhibition will take place from January 22nd through February 28th, over at the Mori Arts Center Gallery. It should be quite a show, especially if you've been a long-time fan of Final Fantasy.

As far as when we'll get any major information from the game, Square Enix will likely save that for E3 2018. After all, it was two years ago that Final Fantasy VII Remake was initially introduced. In fact, expectations are quite high for the company in general, between Remake, Kingdom Hearts III, the company's ongoing Marvel's Avengers projects, and whispers of a new Tomb Raider game that's set to be released. We'll just have to wait and see what the company is up to.

For now, we'll keep you informed on whatever the company has on hand for Remake. Hopefully we'll get some new gameplay, or at least some renders that will show off just how great Cloud and Tifa look. At any rate, we're not expecting to play this one any time soon, so keep your expectations in check.