Nintendo Bans Multiple Hacked 3DS Devices

Reports of a slew of bans have recently come forth that prohibit players from using the online [...]

(Photo: Nintendo)

Reports of a slew of bans have recently come forth that prohibit players from using the online functionality of their Nintendo 3DS devices, and many are speculating that hacked systems may be the target.

The reports have been coming from several online communities such as Reddit that revolve around modifying their devices. An error code, Error Code: 002-0102, has been popping up on users' 3DSes when they try to access certain online functions, specifically the friends list. Other online functions, such as the YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu applications, have also been restricted.

Some of the users who have received the ban claim to have installed custom firmware on their devices in the past while others say that there's no reason for their devices to be banned as they did nothing wrong.

As users looked for ways to circumnavigate the ban, plenty of others were worried that they would also be targeted for the ban. Reddit user Griffnelle posted the following advice in a reply to the thread where users discussed the cause of the error code:

If you don't know if you are banned yet, The best thing to do/check is shut your router off, shut off the DS's wifi functionality, then stop sending streetpass data, (The option is located in system settings -> internet settings -> spotpass, and it gets automatically turned on when you accept the internet terms, also this will require turning wifi back on). Then turn on your router. Lastly, open your friends list and restart your device, the ban message might not show up the first time as the internet was just reset. Then turn the 3DS back on and go to the friends list again, if you are able to view, you have no ban. Additionally, you can make a NAND backup before checking the ban, and if you are not banned, you should make another one. I doubt that restoring a nand will remove the ban but it might, I don't know, always good to have backups

Some are calling Nintendo support lines to make their case for removing the ban, saying that they've done nothing that would violate Nintendo policies. If you own multiple consoles, such as an extra 3DS or a Wii U, it should still be fine to play on those as the bans only target the system itself.

Nintendo has confirmed to Kotaku recently that the bans were targeted at those who made "unauthorized system modifications," but there's no word at this time if the ban is permanent or not.