Nintendo Insider Teases New GameCube Remasters for Switch

A new Nintendo Direct featuring Switch remasters of GameCube games may be happening soon.

A well-known Nintendo insider has teased that more GameCube Nintendo Switch remasters are on the way. Unfortunately, the Nintendo insider doesn't provide many additional salient details. The report specifically comes the way of Zippo, who claims a Nintendo Direct is on the horizon. According to Zippo, this direct will largely be focused on Mario, but there could be some surprises for nostalgic GameCube fans. 

"In today's "no **** Sherlock!" news, a Nintendo Direct will be airing soon," claims Zippo. "I mean, with or without rumors, it was pretty obvious that this was going to happen, but i figured I'd get the word out now anyway. Nintendo may be starting to wrap up the Switch, but they've got a few more surprises for fans left."

Zippo continues: "Expect this direct to have another heavy focus on Mario, with new looks at Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Super Mario RPG, Princess Peach's new game, among others. I think some more GameCube remasters are very likely as well."

Zippo concludes by noting that he's heard the Nintendo Direct is likely to air sometime within the first two weeks of September. If this is the case, we could be hearing about it as soon as the start of next week. That said, remember to take everything here with a grain of salt. While the source in question has shown to be reliable in the past, they've also been off the mark in the past as well, which comes with business of reporting on unannounced and private information. Further, even if this information is accurate, it's also subject to change, though if the Nintendo Direct is only a couple of weeks away, it's hard to imagine Nintendo would delay it now.

So far, this report, and the speculation it has created, has not drawn any type of comment from Nintendo. We don't expect this to change for a handful of reasons, but if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. What GameCube games do you want to see get the Nintendo Switch remaster treatment?