Nintendo Switch 2: Nintendo Needs to Bring These 5 Franchises Back to Life

These franchises didn't get much love in the Switch era, and that needs to change.

During the Switch era, most of Nintendo's biggest franchises were treated quite well. Nintendo fans got to play critically acclaimed entries in the company's biggest franchises like Mario and Zelda, and we even saw the return of obscure ones like Another Code and Famicom Detective Club. Unfortunately, not all of Nintendo's franchises received the same treatment. In fact, some of Nintendo's best characters were relegated to cameos in other games or merely appeared in remasters. As the Switch era draws to a close, a new Nintendo console is on the horizon, and that could mean a chance for the company to bring back some favorites that have been missing in action. 

Star Fox

When Nintendo Switch launched back in 2017, the system came just 11 months after Star Fox Zero's release on Wii U. Unfortunately, that timing didn't seem to help Fox McCloud's chances of getting his own game on Switch. The heroes of the Lylat System weren't totally ignored on the Switch as they had a major role to play in Starlink: Battle for Atlas. With a new system on the way, the timing for a new Star Fox game couldn't be better. Not only have fans been begging to see the series return, but a space combat game would give Nintendo a chance to highlight what the new console can do. 

Donkey Kong

Like the Star Fox team, Donkey Kong kind of got shorted in the Switch era. A Donkey Kong game for the system was apparently in development at Toys for Bob, but plans fell through. Donkey Kong did get a few games released on the system, but Nintendo focused on remakes and remasters, as opposed to new adventures. DK and Diddy deserve better, and it would be excellent to see the whole Kong family make a comeback. While a new 2D Donkey Kong Country would make sense, it might be time to give the character another chance at a 3D platformer; it's been more than two decades since Donkey Kong 64, and it's time the big ape got another chance in that format. 

Eternal Darkness

(Photo: Nintendo)

Nintendo systems have been playing host to M-rated games for decades now, but it wasn't until the Switch era that we really got to see the company shed its "kiddie" image. The Switch proved that franchises like Yakuza, Grand Theft Auto, and Red Dead Redemption can all find an audience on Switch, and the eShop is filled to the brim with games that never would have been released on past Nintendo systems. The timing has never been better for Nintendo to bring back Eternal Darkness, its first-party horror title from the GameCube era. The game struggled to find an audience back in 2002, but it's long past time to dust the series off and introduce it to a new audience. 

Wave Race

There simply aren't enough good jet skiing games, and none of them have reached the same heights as Wave Race. Starting life on Game Boy, Wave Race didn't really make a name for itself until its second entry, which came out on Nintendo 64. Wave Race 64's water physics and lighting hold up remarkably well for a game that released in 1996. If Switch 2 really does have significantly more power than Nintendo's current console, Wave Race would be a great way to highlight the tech improvements. In fact, a new Wave Race would make for a great launch title! 

Elite Beat Agents

There are a lot of great video games that simply don't find an audience, regardless of critical praise, and Elite Beat Agents is a perfect example. The rhythm game was a critical darling on DS, and has even been called one of the best games on the system. A sequel on Switch 2 could give the series a lot more exposure, and a second chance at life. Like Wave Race, it could also be a strong release window option, giving fans something quirky and different to pick up alongside higher profile options. 


With Nintendo rumored to announced Switch 2 soon, we should soon get an idea what games will be coming in the console's first year. Hopefully we'll see some (or all) of these franchises make the cut! 

Are you looking forward to the next Nintendo console? What dormant franchises do you want to see resurrected? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp, on Bluesky at @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!