
New Nintendo Switch Controller Revealed

A new controller for Nintendo Switch, Switch Lite, and Switch OLED consoles has been announced by Nintendo. Since the Switch first launched back in 2017, Nintendo has been releasing a number of variant controllers for the console. These variants have primarily involved the Switch Pro Controller, which is the add-on controller option that has been available for the Switch since it first arrived. Now, Nintendo will be collaborating with fellow Japanese video game publisher Capcom to let loose a new controller in a little over a month.ย 

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Launching on June 30th, Nintendo will be releasing a new Switch Pro Controller that crosses over with Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. For those unaware, Sunbreak is the latest expansion for the Switch Monster Hunter title and will be releasing on the same date as this controller. As for the Pro Controller itself, it’s pretty standard in its coloring outside of a gray Malzeno that appears emblazoned across the front of it. The Malzeno is a monster that is actually appearing for the first time in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak which is why it has been chosen to appear on this controller.ย 

As mentioned, Nintendo hasn’t shied away from doing crossovers like this in the past for various Switch Pro Controllers. In fact, this isn’t even the first time that Nintendo has partnered with Capcom for a controller that is associated with Monster Hunter Rise. When the game first launched in early 2021, another Pro controller in this same style was released, but instead of a Malzeno appearing on the face, it contained a Magnamalo. If you’re someone who happened to purchase that first Pro Controller tied to MH Rise then adding this second one to your collection could make for a cool companion. Then again, it’s probably unneeded to own so many Switch controllers.ย 

What are your thoughts on this new Nintendo Switch Pro Controller? Are you going to look to pick this up for yourself or are you content with the Switch controllers that you might already own? Let me know either down in the comments or reach out to me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.