No More Heroes Creator Suda51 Teases New Game Reveal

No More Heroes creator Goichi "Suda51" Suda has teased when his studio, Grasshopper Manufacture, could reveal its next project. Within the past year, Grasshopper Manufacture released the long-awaited third installment in the No More Heroes series, which put to rest over a decade of requests from fans. Now, with No More Heroes in the rearview mirror, Suda has started to indicate what he could be up to next. 

In a new video shared by NetEase, Suda opened up about when Grasshopper Manufacture will opt to reveal what it's working on next. Although he didn't commit to anything specific, Suda said that the studio is potentially hoping to show off its next project at a time later in 2022. While this reveal window could end up shifting to next year, Suda stated that he's not patient when it comes to highlighting the company's next game. 

"The games we make at this studio, I mean the really, truly cool and all-new games, we're going to continue creating them, and I think everyone is going to be really impressed. I wonder when I can announce them? Maybe around the end of the year? I'm not sure," Suda said. "It may end up being next year, we'll see how it goes. Anyway, I want to hurry up and show everyone what we're doing."

Even though Grasshopper is clearly working on something bigger on the horizon, the studio will technically be releasing a title later this year. That game happens to once again be No More Heroes 3, but simply on new platforms. When HMH3 first launched last year, it was exclusive to Nintendo Switch. As of this fall, though, the title will be coming to PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. 

What type of game do you think that Suda51 and the team at Grasshopper Manufacture could be working on next? Do you think it will be related to one of the studio's past games? Give me your own best guess either down in the comments or message me on Twitter at @MooreMan12.

[H/T NG]