Overwatch Director Reveals The Most Used Competitive Heroes In the Game

There’s no question that Blizzard’s Overwatch is loaded with some great, memorable heroes, [...]


There's no question that Blizzard's Overwatch is loaded with some great, memorable heroes, with some new ones always being added to the game. But which ones are the most popular amongst the community?

While some people automatically assume D.Va (and in some cases, correctly), there are a few surprises when it comes to the top tens, which were revealed by game director Jeff Kaplan in the Overwatch forums.

The lists were compiled as of the start of Season 9, on March 1, so Brigitte isn't anywhere near it just yet. But, as you can see, there's some competition when it comes to D.Va dominating all the tiers, from Bronze to Grandmaster. Check out Jeff's top tens below:


  1. D.Va
  2. Mercy
  3. Junkrat
  4. Moira
  5. Reinhardt
  6. Soldier: 76
  7. Lucio
  8. Genji
  9. Roadhog
  10. Ana


  1. D.Va
  2. Moira
  3. Mercy
  4. Junkrat
  5. Reinhardt
  6. Soldier: 76
  7. Lucio
  8. Genji
  9. Roadhog
  10. Ana


  1. D.Va
  2. Moira
  3. Mercy
  4. Reinhardt
  5. Soldier: 76
  6. Junkrat
  7. Genji
  8. Roadhog
  9. Lucio
  10. Ana


  1. Moira
  2. D.Va
  3. Mercy
  4. Genji
  5. Reinhardt
  6. Roadhog
  7. Ana
  8. Zenyatta
  9. McCree
  10. Soldier: 76


  1. Moira
  2. D.Va
  3. Genji
  4. Mercy
  5. Roadhog
  6. Zenyatta
  7. Ana
  8. McCree
  9. Tracer
  10. Reinhardt


  1. D.Va
  2. Moira
  3. Mercy
  4. Genji
  5. Zenyatta
  6. Roadhog
  7. Tracer
  8. McCree
  9. Ana
  10. Winston


  1. D.Va
  2. Tracer
  3. Zenyatta
  4. Moira
  5. Genji
  6. Roadhog
  7. Lucio
  8. Mercy
  9. Winston
  10. McCree

It's good to see D.Va still getting some love, even after some adjustments by Blizzard last year; and it's also interesting to see how many Bronze players prefer to take the route of Junkrat, since he's a highly accessible character. Also, where's Mei? After all, she's a fan favorite, so she should be somewhere on these lists. Alas, no sign of her. Sigh. Maybe later this year, or once she gets a few more skins to unlock. We hope. (Of course, to each their own. There are others that didn't show up on this list as well. But...they're not Mei.)

Now, this list could get shaken up later in the year, depending on the new Heroes that are introduced to it. Brigitte is on the way sometime over the next few weeks, and more additions could be announced around E3 time. We'll let you know who's ready to head into battle.

Overwatch is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.