'Overwatch' Players Notice Game-Breaking Bug After Halloween Terror Event Went Live

It's that time of year again, Overwatch players! The Halloween Terror event is live once more [...]

It's that time of year again, Overwatch players! The Halloween Terror event is live once more bringing a spooky spin to the popular Blizzard FPS and a chance to earn even spookier outfits for our favourite mains. But just because the new event is live doesn't mean it's without its glitches and unfortunately one of them is pretty game-breaking.

Quite a few players - including myself - have run into an issue with the main menu. The UI issue puts the main menu selection screen right over the hero selection screen, which makes it impossible to participate in a match which ultimately winds up in being booted from the game for inactivity. Too many hits for going AFK can negatively impact a character - especially so in Competitive Mode - so it's much more than just a simple bug.

(Photo: Reddit user Moro__)

The original thread for this issue began over on Reddit and the original poster was far from the only one that encountered this glitch. As one user pointed out, for those are absolutely serious about playing Comp - it's a good idea to avoid this mode immediately after a patch since there are consequences for a perceived AFK.

Another added, "I've seen this said about practically every game. When there's a new major patch people always expect things to be broken and advise avoiding important/risky content."

When I encountered this issue, I simply logged out and logged back in but unfortunately, I was still penalized for leaving a match early. You can report issues through the game as well as to Blizzard directly, but so far the studio has yet to acknowledge that this game exists.

Another user suggested going to "Find Group" and trying to join a team. They mentioned that they were kicked to the main menu with the option to rejoin the game without getting hit with a penalty. If you're already in a party, then even better.

That's good to know that there are workarounds, but we're still hoping for a hotfix to deploy here shortly.

Overwatch's Halloween Terror 2018 event is live and fully available to enjoy from now until October 31st. What are you most excited for to see with the latest event? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below with your dream picks! You can also check out our Game Hub for the Blizzard hit right here for more news, reviews, and even cosplay! It's all Overwatch all the time!