
Overwatch Is Finally Getting a “Looking For Group” Feature, Good Behavior

Ever since Overwatch launched, Blizzard has been doing a fantastic job at keeping the play […]

Ever since Overwatch launched, Blizzard has been doing a fantastic job at keeping the play experience fresh. With constant tweaks, an influx of new heroes, maps, and events – even various partnerships with other companies to spice things up – the FPS from Blizzard has continued to prove it’s a game worth playing. That being said, that doesn’t mean the need for improvements isn’t there, and the latest feature aims to keep this shooter train going strong.

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A highly desired trait in any online game is a “Looking for Group” feature. Game Director Jeff Kaplan has finally granted that long awaited desire so that players can create their own parties, dictate which roles they are looking for (you ALWAYS need a healer, guys), and put out a beacon for players of a certain skill. Pairing with the already there voice chat, this will make the online experience much more tailored and much less frustrating when playing with randoms.

Another feature Blizzard has added is a way to reward good behavior in game. If a player is constantly endorsed for good sportmanship, etc, rewards will be offered as a thank you. The downside to this is that now people know of it now, which means trolls can instantly report other players for toxic behavior just to see that “good” meter reset. We’ll see if Blizzard does anything to prevent that.

There are a few other key features added in the latest patch, also seen in the video above. Take a peek at what’s new:


  • Meteor Strike – Bonus movement speed increased from 150% to 200%
  • The Best Defenseโ€ฆ – Shield gain increased from 30 to 35 for normal abilities

“The increased movement speed on Meteor Strike gives Doomfist new options in how and where to deploy it,” reads the developer comments. “His passive is also being increased, allowing him to survive more often when diving into enemies.”


  • Supercharger – Ultimate cost reduced by 15 percent

“Supercharger wasn’t getting enough use, considering its impact,” Blizzard said. “This change allows Orisa to use her ultimate more aggressively, knowing that she will be able to generate them more easily.”

Map – Horizon Lunar Colony

Point A

  • Added a staircase on the right when exiting the hydroponics room
  • Removed the door to the lower room on the right
  • Removed the small wall on the catwalk above Point A
  • Added some cover walls to the catwalk area
  • Moved the door next to the staircase that led to Winston’s room
  • The door is now on the side of the wall in the training pit
  • Moved the large health pack to the back of the room
  • Removed some clutter in the upper left computer room

Hydroponics Room

  • Switched the positions of the large and small health pack
  • Changed some of the hydroponic plant cover on the right side

Point B

  • Defender spawn room exits moved from the front to the sides out of direct line of fire
  • Small rooms added at spawn room exits
  • Additional cover added near the spawn room exits
  • Added a route and larger platform leading to the back right corner
  • Raised the platform to the same height as the attackers’ platform on the opposite side of the point
  • The location of the old defender exit is now an alcove with a small health pack
  • Both teams can still pass behind the point, but there is now a cut-through in the middle of the wall for better access.
  • The area above the window overlooking the point is now covered
  • A large platform with cover has been attached to the left side of the catwalk
  • The upper platform for the attackers has been reduced
  • The doorway leading to the platform is slightly smaller

“We’ve wanted to make some gameplay improvements to Horizon Lunar Colony for some time now,” Blizzard mentioned. “The defenders’ spawn room had a problem with its main exit that allowed defenders to quickly duck back inside and regain health while attackers shot at them without doing damage. Since we were already reworking the entire back area, we decided to make some more changes addressing player feedback. The idea behind the rework of Point A was to not only help the defenders a bit, but also provide some gameplay options aside from sitting on the point and trying to hold it for as long as possible. Easier access to high ground, as well as limiting the routes for attackers (or at least allowing for defenders to more easily spot the attackers), will allow more opportunity for counters and create a better gameplay experience.”