Sony Plans to "Aggressively" Promote Mobile Games, Plans for Expansion

Sony held another financial meeting recently that gave us a little more insight into their future [...]


Sony held another financial meeting recently that gave us a little more insight into their future plans and where their focus while lie heading into 2019. Headed by Chief Financial Officer Hiroki Totoki, we know a little more about PlayStation Now's plans for expansion, and how Sony hopes to dominate the mobile market.

With the success of the PlayStation 4 and the network revenue being such a paramount part of the company's fiscal growth, future efforts to increase the stability of their network have increased exponentially. A running joke in the community is that the PSN is hacked so frequently, that it's just expected at this point. Not only are they working towards and even smoother experience, but a more secure one as well.

ps4 call
(Photo: Sony)

According to Totoki, the PlayStation 4 has exceeded the usual 1 year "peak" period of sales, and a large part of that continued success is their software niche. With a "strong momentum" still carrying the team, the network improvements will only further that software success and digital sales.

The mobile gaming market continues to soar, so it's no surprise that the company is looking to capitalize on that. With mobile sales making up roughly 30% of Sony's revenue, the focus to keep that trend alive is also near the forefront with plans to "aggressively promote" mobile titles with a strong focus on anime IPs.

It will be interesting to see what else Sony has in store. The company has gone through major infrastructure changes this past year, and their software line-up has been absolutely killing the gaming scene (in a good way!). With the recent (and wildly popular) success of God of War, the year ahead is looking to be a postive one for gamers everywhere, including on the PlayStation 4 platform.

What do you think about Sony's renewed commitment to the mobile market? Are you happy to hear about the network revamping that will be occurring this year? Sound off with your thoughts on the PlayStation 4 and beyond in the comment section below, including what you'd like to see them change next!