
Pokemon Go: How to Catch Zarude

Zarude is coming back to Pokemon Go, but there’s a big catch.

It’s been over two years since Pokemon Go players have had the chance to obtain Zarude in the game, but Niantic is making the Mythical Pokemon available again during the Verdant Wonders event later this month. Unfortunately, there’s a pretty big catch: Zarude can only be caught by completing the Rogue of the Jungle Special Research story, which will cost $7.99 in the game’s Shop. Once it’s been purchased, players must redeem it between Thursday, March 21st at 10 a.m. and Monday, March 25th at 8 p.m. local time. It can then be completed at any time. 

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Zarude was originally added to Pokemon Go as part of a promotion for Pokemon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle. Zarude was added alongside a special version of Pikachu based on its appearance in the movie. Players could only get Zarude by completing a different Special Research story titled “Search for Zarude.” That Special Research has not been available since, so anyone that missed out on the event in 2021 will have to spend $7.99 for a second chance at catching Zarude. 

Is Rogue of the Jungle Worth the Cost?

Players that do end up spending the money on a ticket will receive a handful of rewards in addition to an encounter with Zarude. These rewards include two Premium Battle Passes, six Silver Pinap Berries, five Rare Candies, an Incense, and other encounters with Dark and Grass-type Pokemon. Players will have to decide for themselves if those rewards are worth the price of admission, but given how hard Mythical Pokemon are to come by, it might be worth it for some players. 

On one hand, it’s great to see Pokemon Go making Zarude available again to anyone that missed out the first time. Unfortunately, the paywall is already frustrating players. Pokemon Go‘s pricing structure has been a source of irritation among the player base for the last few years, particularly as the costs for things like Remote Raid Passes have been greatly increased, or Pokemon have been locked behind Egg hatches to encourage players to buy Incubators. The reality is, a lot of players feel like they’re frequently being gouged by the game. 

Verdant Wonders Event

Players that don’t want to pay for the Rogue of the Jungle event will still find some things to enjoy during Verdant Wonders. Flabebe is once again getting a focus, and the ones players see in the wild will still depend on their region. However, this time is a little bit different, as Shiny Flabebe will be making its Pokemon Go debut. Additionally, the game will be introducing new costumed Pokemon. Players will be able to find Cottonee wearing a flower crown in the wild and through Field Research task encounters. Unlike some other costumed Pokemon in the game, this Cottonee can be evolved into a Whimsicott wearing a flower crown. 

Are you planning to spend on this event in Pokemon Go? Do you think that this ticket is worth the price? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!