How Many Players Do You Need to Beat Mewtwo in Pokemon Go?

Mewtwo might be the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but players should still be able to [...]

Mewtwo might be the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but players should still be able to easily beat it with a small Raid Group. Earlier today, the first EX Raid Group went live in Japan, giving players their first opportunity to fight Mewtwo in the wild. One Pokemon Go player live streamed the battle to give other players a chance to see Mewtwo in action.

Outside of the special raid pass needed to enter the raid, the EX Raid looked just like any other raid. Players could still choose to enter private groups, and the Raid still distributes Premier Balls using bonuses earned during the battle.

And it doesn't appear that Mewtwo will be tougher than any other Raid Boss either. The live stream joined a Raid Group with six other players and beat Mewtwo easily, with nearly two minutes to spare.

While we didn't get the exact stats for the other players in the Raid Group, many used sub-optimal attackers like Rhydon or Lugia that wouldn't have much of an advantage against Mewtwo in battle.

Based on the results of this Raid, it looks like Raid Groups with five players should be able to beat Mewtwo. With optimized teams of high-level Pokemon like Tyranitar, it's probably even possible to beat Mewtwo with three players.

This should be pretty good news to players who were worried about having enough players to beat Mewtwo. Since EX Raids will have a two hour window to fight Mewtwo, there's no guarantee that everyone who was invited to the raid will show up at the same time.

Of course, since the Mewtwo raid is still in beta testing, it's possible that Pokemon Go could crank up the difficulty before it rolls out Mewtwo for a wider release. More EX Raids will take place later today, so be sure to like our Facebook page to keep up to date on the latest news!