Shiny Pokemon are a big draw for a lot of fans of the franchise. Players will spend countless hours trying to find them across various games, in large part due to their rarity. Every once in a while, Niantic will increase the Shiny encounter rates in Pokemon Go, making it somewhat easier to locate specific ones as part of an event. Such is the case right now in the game, during the Bug Out event. Starting today, players will have an increased chance of finding both Shiny Wurmple and Shiny Venipede, both of which will be appearing in the wild.
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Shiny Wurmple is pretty distinct compared to the traditional version. The Pokemon’s standard coloration is primarily red, with white and yellow accents. The Shiny version swaps out the red for a dark purple. It’s a simple swap, but one that makes it stand out. Wurmple can evolve into either Silcoon or Cascoon, and then Beautifly or Dustox. Both of these final evolutions have very different color patterns on their wings, but the body of Dustox is largely the same. Beautifly, on the other hand, swaps the normal white body for a cream color, and lighter blue eyes. Overall, it’s very visually distinct!

Like Wurmple, Venipede’s body is primarily red when it comes to its standard form. However, the Shiny version abandons this for a muddy brown color that looks like a more realistic bug. That color pattern does not continue as it evolves, however. Shiny Whirlipede largely features colors that are just slightly different from normal, and Shiny Scolipede has a neat neon red with blue stripes in place of its standard red with purple stripes.
If hunting Shiny Pokemon isn’t really your thing, the Bug Out event still has plenty to offer. During the event, Sizzlipede and its evolved form Centiskorch will both make their Pokemon Go debuts. Neither will be appearing in the wild, but Sizzlipede will be found in One-Star Raids, which should make it fairly easy to come by during the event. Players will need 50 Sizzlipede Candy to evolve it. Players can also encounter Sizzlipede through Timed Research, as well as by using Lure Modules at PokeStops.
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Nice Throws or better will result in multiple bonuses during this Pokemon Go event, including double XP, increased Candy, and increased chances of getting Candy XL for players at Level 31 or higher. For $2.00, the Pokemon Go Shop currently has Paid Timed Research, which rewards players with additional encounters for various Bug-type Pokemon, as well as a Lure Module, and 2 Premium Battle Passes. Readers should keep in mind that Timed Research does expire, and cannot be purchased with PokeCoins. The Bug Out event will run through Sunday March 30th at 8 p.m. local time.
How do you feel about this Pokemon Go Bug Out event? Do you plan on looking for either of these Shiny Pokemon? Share your thoughts with me directly on Bluesky atย @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram atย @Dachampgaming!