A full new generation of Pokemon is coming this fall. Later this year, The Pokemon Company will release Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, a new pair of Pokemon games set in a brand new region. While Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will be the first pair of open-world Pokemon games and will be the first to allow for simultaneous multiplayer play, the game’s true draw are the dozens of new Pokemon that will appear in the brand new (and still unnamed) region. New Pokemon are set to be revealed over the remainder of the year, so ComicBook.com is providing Pokemon fans with a place where they can quickly find out everything they can about the new Pokemon.
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Below are official images and descriptions of every Pokemon revealed so far. This article will be updated as new information is provided, so be sure to keep checking back for more info as it becomes available.

Capricious and attention seeking, it may sulk if it sees its Trainer giving attention to a Pokemon other than itself.
When Sprigatito kneads and rubs with its forepaws, a sweet aroma is released that can mesmerize those around it. This aroma has therapeutic qualities and makes opponents lose their will to battle. The composition of its fluffy fur is similar to plants, letting it create energy by absorbing sunlight. It adds moisture to its fur by grooming itself, which aids its ability to photosynthesize.
- Category: Grass Cat Pokemon
- Type: Grass
- Height: 1’4″
- Weight: 9 lbs.
- Ability: Overgrow

Fuecoco is laid-back and does things at its own pace. It loves to eat, and it will sprint toward any food it finds with a glint in its eye.
External heat is absorbed by the square scales on Fuecoco’s stomach and back, then converted into fire energy. These scales are always warm, and at times they can also grow very hot. Flickering atop Fuecoco’s head is fire energy that is leaking out from inside the Pokemon body. When Fuecoco gets excited, its head spouts more flames.
- Category: Fire Croc Pokémon
- Type: Fire
- Height: 1’4″
- Weight: 21.6 lbs.
- Ability: Blaze

This serious-mannered Pokemon will follow in its Trainer’s wake. Quaxly is tidy, and it especially dislikes getting its head dirty.
Its body is always glossy because the gel secreted by its feathers repels water and grime. The coif on its head is slicked back using a rich, moist cream, and it becomes unkempt when dry. It has strong legs and can swim without difficulty even in places with strong currents. In battle, it kicks its opponents swiftly and repeatedly.
- Category: Duckling Pokemon
- Type: Water
- Height: 1’8″
- Weight: 13.4 lbs.
- Ability: Torrent

In addition to the electric sacs in its cheeks, Pawmi has electricity-discharging organs on its forepaws. It generates electricity by rubbing its cheeks, then it shocks its opponents by touching them with the pads on its forepaws.
The fur that covers its body is good insulation against the cold and serves the purpose of storing electricity. When it feels uneasy, this cautious Pokémon will begin rubbing its cheeks, preparing itself to discharge an electric shock.
- Category: Mouse Pokémon
- Type: Electric
- Height: 1′
- Weight: 5.5 lbs.
- Ability: Static / Natural Cure

Lechonk uses its sense of smell to find and eat only the most fragrant wild grasses and the richest Berries. As a result of its dining habits, it has come to radiate an aroma resembling herbs that Bug-type Pokémon dislike. If attacked by an opponent and startled, it will charge forward in a panic.
It may appear fat at first glance, but in reality, the Pokemon’s body is mostly muscle built by constantly walking around in search of food.
- Category: Hog Pokemon
- Type: Normal
- Height: 1’8″
- Weight: 22.5 lbs.
- Ability: Aroma Veil / Gluttony

The oil that comes out of its head has a very strong bitter taste, and it is not suitable for consumption. When startled or attacked, Smoliv will shoot this oil out, slowing its opponent down. It will then seize that moment to run away.
In the fruit on its head, Smoliv stores oil made from nutrients it gathers through photosynthesis. As a result, it can go for a week without eating or drinking. It prefers dry and sunny climates, and it seems to spend its days sunbathing.
- Category: Olive Pokemon
- Type: Grass/Normal
- Height: 1′
- Weight: 14.3 lbs.
- Ability: Early Bird

Fidough’s skin has elastic qualities and is both firm and soft at the same time. When these Pokémon become excited, they intimidate their opponents by puffing up their bodies to appear bigger. Fidough ferments things in its vicinity using the yeast in its breath. The yeast is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago.
Category: Puppy Pokémon
Type: Fairy
Height: 1′
Weight: 24 lbs.
Ability: Own Tempo
Paldean Wooper

In ancient times, Wooper lived underwater in the Paldea region. After losing in a struggle for territory, it seems they began living in bogs on land. To keep from drying out while living on land, they began to cover their bodies with a poisonous film. Their gills have hardened thanks to living on land for so long. Their bodies are heavy and they move slowly, but they can protect themselves by shooting powerful poisonous liquid from their gills.
Category: Poison Fish Pokémon
Type: Poison/Ground
Height: 1’4″
Weight: 24.3 lbs.
Ability: Poison Point / Water Absorb

Cetitan need to have tough muscles to be able to support their immense bodies, and physical attacks using their bodies have incredible power. They also migrate around the snowy regions, protected by a thick layer of fat.
Category: Tera Whale Pokémon
Type: Ice
Height: 14’9″
Weight: 1,543.2 lbs.
Ability: Thick Fat / Slush Rush

No information or description officially revealed yet. Koraidon will be exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet.

No information or description officially revealed yet. Miraidon will be exclusive to Pokemon Violet.

Klawf can rotate their protruding eyeballs to see everything around them, eliminating all their blind spots. They can latch upside down onto cliffs to ambush their prey from above, however, they eventually get dizzy from the blood rushing to their heads, so they cannot stay upside down for very long.
Category: Ambush Pokémon
Type: Rock
Height: 4’3″ (1.3 m)
Weight: 174.2 lbs. (79.0 kg)
Ability: Anger Shell / Shell Armor

Armarouge’s set of armor belonged to a distinguished warrior and is the source of the energy used for its Psychic-type moves. It also uses the psychic capabilities of this armor to control the fire energy within its body and unleash attacks.
Category: Fire Warrior Pokemon
Type: Fire/Psychic
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 187.4 lbs.
Ability: Flash Fire

Ceruledge dons an old set of armor steeped in grudges and wields blades made of fire and ghost energy. In battle, these blades transform into great swords to increase Ceruledge’s power. Cuts from these great swords leave wounds from which life energy will flow.
Category: Fire Blades Pokemon
Type: Fire/Ghost
Height: 5’3″
Weight: 136.7 lbs.
Ability: Flash Fire

Boasting an exceptional sense of smell, Wiglett is able to pick up scents from over 60 feet away. It has a skittish disposition and is constantly cautious of its surroundings. When it notices the scent of other Pokémon, Wiglett burrows into the sand to conceal itself.
Wiglett pokes a part of its body out of the sand to feed in the ocean. It’s still unclear what the rest of its body hidden in the sand is like or how long it might be. It’s said that Wiglett’s resemblance to Diglett might be a mere coincidence—a result of its adaptation to its environment.
Category: Garden Eel Pokémon
Type: Water
Height: 3’11” (1.2 m)
Weight: 4 lbs. (1.8 kg)
Ability: Gooey / Rattled

As a result of its Evolution, the head of its main body and the head from its tail have become one. Both of Farigiraf’s brains are connected through thick nerves, increasing its psychic energy, and it can emit psychic waves from the antennae on its head. Farigiraf is always mindful of its surroundings, and while it can detect danger in an instant, there are times when its body cannot react as fast as its two brains can think.
Farigiraf’s Ability, Cud Chew, is a new Ability appearing for the first time in these titles. When a Pokémon with Cud Chew eats a Berry, it will eat it one more time at the end of the next turn. Armor Tail is another new Ability appearing for the first time in these titles. It makes opposing Pokémon unable to use priority moves.
Category: Long Neck Pokémon
Type: Normal/Psychic
Height: 10’6″ (3.2 m)
Weight: 352.7 lbs. (160 kg)
Ability: Cud Chew / Armor Tail

Normally, Greavard barely moves, resting peacefully underground. It pokes the topmost part of its head above ground and lights an eerie glow at its tip, then waits for someone to approach. When a person draws near, Greavard jumps out of the ground while letting out a spooky cry that would startle most unsuspecting people—though it doesn’t appear to do this with ill intent.
Greavard has such a friendly and affectionate personality that paying it even the slightest bit of attention will make it so overjoyed that it will follow Trainers wherever they go. Of all the Pokémon residing in the Paldea region, it is known to be especially easy to befriend.
However, Greavard will slowly and inadvertently absorb the life-force of those around it, so it’s best not to play with it too much. What’s more, it also has powerful jaws that can shatter bones. A single bite from Greavard can be grievous—so Trainers are advised to approach it with caution.
Category: Ghost Dog Pokémon
Type: Ghost
Height: 2′ (0.6 m)
Weight: 77.2 lbs. (35.0 kg)
Ability: Pickup