When the trading feature was announced alongside the Space-Time Smackdown booster trailer, there was some confusion about the exact date. While the trailer itself had the boosters coming on January 29th, official communications from The Pokemon Company labeled it as the 30th. Trading was sort of an afterthought in the trailer, but both sources agreed it would launch on January 29th, ahead of the new booster packs. While this is true for many players logging in to Pokemon TCG Pocket today, it seems the release date confusion has continued.
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Logging in to the Pokemon TCG Pocket subreddit on January 29th makes it hard to ignore that the trading feature has arrived. The subreddit is full of complaints about the double-currency cost of trading, which many fans see as prohibitively difficult. Some are saying the trade token cost is so high, you need up to 20 extras of a card before you can actually trade it.
However, the high cost isn’t the only issue with the rollout of trading in Pokemon TCG Pocket. While plenty of players are clearly trying out the new feature, some are still stuck with the “Coming Soon” screen. Here at ComicBook, some writers have access to trading, while others in the same region and time zone do not.
No Update Available for Trading Feature for Some Pokemon TCG Pocket Players
For some, the new trading feature is nothing but a myth. This has led to questions about the scope of the rollout, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any clear pattern to who has the trading feature update and who doesn’t. Buried beneath the complaints about training on the PTCGP subreddit, some players are confused about why they don’t have it yet.
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While the new expansion isn’t set to release until January 30th, that doesn’t explain the missing trade feature for some. Many comments on this thread suggest updating the app, but therein lies the problem. Some people are not seeing the option to update to v.1.1.0 in their app store. Without the ability to update to this version, players aren’t able to get past that “Coming Soon” banner for trading.
It appears there may be a delay in which users have access to the update that will unlock the trading feature. Some players even report updating to v.1.1.0, but still not being able to access trading. Many players having this issue report being located in the US Eastern Time Zone, though some are in Central Time or in the UK.
It’s likely that this minor delay will be resolved over the course of the day, in preparation for tomorrow’s addition of the Space-Time Smackdown packs. For now, players who aren’t seeing the option to update should double-check their app store by searching the app directly. This might prompt a refresh that will reveal the update – and the ability to trade with it.
Given the poor reception of trading so far, and Pokemon TCG Pocket’s promise to listen to player feedback, it seems like the current version of trading will most likely change. So, those who aren’t yet able to see what the fuss is all about probably don’t need to worry too much about missing out on a great thing.