Prima Games, Known Strategy Guide Publisher, Shutting Down

Video game strategy guides were paramount growing up but as we move into the digital age, they're [...]

Video game strategy guides were paramount growing up but as we move into the digital age, they're becoming less and less needed. Because of that, known publisher Prima Games has announced that they are officially closing their doors.

The report comes from EGM now and mentions that operations are to be officially stopped by Spring. The site also mentions that this closure will affect the offices in New York, Indianapolis, and Roseville with Roseville set up to shut its doors by the end of this month.

The Indianapolis office is expected to keep operations going until March to finish out current pre-orders such as BioWare's Anthem. It's never an easy decision to close the doors on such a big operation and Prima Games has been one of those companies that has been an intricate part of gaming culture.

First founded in 1990, the strategy guide company quickly grew to be a household name as the brand continued to grow. When Brady Games and Prima were merged back in 2015 under the Penguin Random House umbrella, both Prima and its major competitor were brought together under the same name. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough.

Regarding layoffs, the company mentioned to the site "We are in conversations with the Prima Games team and cannot comment on this further at this point." Our thoughts are with all of those affected by this closure during this time.

It's hard to say goodbye after 28 years, especially for those "old school" gamers that grew up with guides to fulfill that gaming experience and take it to the next level. They've done some incredible work through the years with phenomenal art, commissioned works by other sites, and detailed guides for maximum amount of gameplay.

What are your thoughts on the Prima Games closure? Do you have a favourite guide that sticks out when thinking back on their previous contributions to gaming? Join in on the conversation in the comment section below and tell us what you think about the announcement to shut their doors for good.