This 3D-Printed PS4 Controller Can Be Used With One Hand

A PlayStation 4 controller is being designed and created using 3D printing to offer a more [...]

A PlayStation 4 controller is being designed and created using 3D printing to offer a more accessible option that puts all the normal functions of a controller into one hand.

Doppel D. is the creator behind the custom-made controller, a device that he says is intended for accessibility purposes or for when gamers simply want to play with one hand. The one-handed controller is currently in its prototype stages, but it's far enough along that Doppel can use it in a Trackmania Turbo demonstration shown in the video above.

"This is a demonstration of my One-Handed PS4 Controller, meant to be used for accessibility reasons or for games where one-handed operation is desired," the creator said in the description of the video uploaded to his YouTube channel. "It uses a Wired Connection and has full access to all the buttons and input functions, touchpad included (with Touchpad Button for center tap, and Touchpad Emulation for swipes and drags, etc). Eventually I want to develop an actual working device!"

Sharing the video to the PS4 subreddit, Doppel went over some of the finer details of the controller, some of which were also mentioned in the video. He revealed that this is actually the second version of the one-handed controller that he's made thus far with the concept having a symmetrical design so that you can either use it with your or right hand. He uses his non-dominant left hand in the video to show what he calls the "worst possible scenario," a scenario that involves him crashing into walls and the ground in the first half of the video before starting to get the hang of it within 15 minutes of playing. All of the buttons and sticks can be remapped as well to allow players to change the controller to have whatever layout they prefer.

Though it comes with all the inputs of a normal PS4 controller, there are a few features that aren't planned for the one-handed device. It's wired only and doesn't have the more flashy components like the speakers, rumble modules, or lightbar. It had no problems being authenticated by the console though with no hacking invovled, so you won't have any issues with getting locked out of your devices after a firmware update.

Doppel added in the video's description that the controller isn't available to be purchased just yet, but said to stay tuned for more information.