PS5 Has a New Best-Selling Game Flying Under Everyone's Radar

One of the best-selling PS5 games on the PlayStation Store for the month of April is a game many PlayStation fans probably never heard of. PlayStation recently revealed the best-selling PS5 games for the month of April. Per usual, the charts are dominated by AAA games and major new releases. Sneaking in at number 10 on the European charts and number 17 on the North America charts, surronded by much bigger games, is Dredge from developer Black Salt Games and publisher Team17.

Released on March 30, Dredge is a single-player fishing adventure game with lovecraftian horror elements. On Metacritic, its scores range from 81 to 85, depending on the platform. Meanwhile, user reviews for the game on Steam are "Overwhelmingly Positive," which is the highest rating you can earn on Steam. To achieve this, it has a 96 percent approval rating across over 10,000 user reviews. 

"Captain your fishing trawler to explore a collection of remote isles, and their surrounding depths, to see what lies below," reads an official blurb about the game. "Sell your catch to the locals and complete quests to learn more about each area's troubled past. Outfit your boat with better equipment to trawl deep-sea trenches and navigate to far-off lands, but keep an eye on the time. You might not like what finds you in the dark..."

"The daily relaxing monotony of simulators like Animal Crossing is subverted in Dredge, a new game that pulls Deep Ones from deep sea fishing," reads the opening of our official review of the game. "The new game by indie developer Black Salt Game cleverly combines exploration mechanics and a familiar gameplay loop of collecting fish and flotsam with a sinister and haunting undercurrent pulled straight out of the cosmic horror genre. Dredge proudly wears its Lovecraft influences on its sleeves in more ways than one by providing players with a comforting daily ritual while constantly reminding players of deeper threats lurking just under the surface of the ocean. The result is an intriguing game that unfolds at the player's pace, providing a fun and unique experience that's not quite like anything you've played before."