
Rainbow Six Siege Development Shifts to New Core Team

There’s been a shift in development within the Rainbow Six Siege team as a new group of […]

There’s been a shift in development within the Rainbow Six Siege team as a new group of developers are taking over. Ubisoft announced that developers like Xavier Marquis and Alexandre Remy will be moving on to work on other projects within Ubisoft, though we don’t yet know what those projects are. The focus of the video was instead on Rainbow Six Siege and the new core team within Ubisoft that’ll take over with the guidance of some of those who are leaving.

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Along with the announcement shared on Ubisoft’s site, the video above was released to offer perspectives from Marquis and Remy and other developers who either worked on Siege or will continue to work on the game. Remy said that the pair are passing a legacy onto the new team and that he’s excited to see Siege through the eyes of a fan.

“We are about to change the core team of the game,” Remy said. “A certain amount of people who have been here a long time, including Xavier and I, will leave the project and we have a new team already at the helm.”

The developer continued to say that the new team has already been working with Siege veterans to get a better feel for the game and where it needs to head in the future. Leroy Athanassoff, game director for Siege, will be leading the new team. Athanassoff offered his comments on the future of the game and said the new core team will look to cover all parts of Siege.

“This upcoming core team will cover all aspects of the game, the full scope of everything special about Siege,” Athanassoff said. “This is going to be one of the strengths of the core team. We will start expanding the ‘game universes.’”

Athanassoff continued to say that part of this new development focus will include an emphasis on features that are inclusive, not exclusive, meaning that they want to release content that’ll impact the community as a whole as opposed to individual groups of players.

Craig Robinson, senior community developer, closed out the video by saying that Siege is “here to stay” and that the future of the game will be discussed more in February during the next Invitational.